View Full Version : wet and dry in sydney

15th December 2012, 04:48 AM
I 'm after a source of 2000, 3000grit sheets etc of wet and dry here in Sydney.

15th December 2012, 07:51 AM
Not sure if the old supplier is still there Hugie but Just off Hume Highway left into Horsley Drive Kenny's Auto paint supplies. just before the shops on left side. :doh:

Always good to double check Kennys has moved to Kennys Automotive Paints Paint--Automotive - Condell Park, NSW UA 4, 366 Edgar St, Condell Park NSW 2200, Australia
http://www.yellowpages.com.au/ui/standard/bpp/phone_icon.png(02) 9772 9097

15th December 2012, 08:12 PM
Supercheap Auto used to sell 2000. I notice theyve rationalised ther sandpaper so not sure if they still do.

Chris Parks
15th December 2012, 08:17 PM
Any crash or paint repair supplier should have it.

Pac man
15th December 2012, 08:17 PM
What about the sandpaper man unless you need it ASAP

16th December 2012, 03:07 PM

The sandpaper man has always been fast postage even up here in the centre of Aust. :2tsup::2tsup:

16th December 2012, 04:57 PM
Thanks guys, the sandpaper guy goes down to 1500 or so as with supercheap.

16th December 2012, 06:24 PM
Hi Hughie,

Antiphile was buying ROS pads at up to 12000 grit recently. At that fineness, you should be able to use them or parts of them on a lathe. Maybe you could send him a PM and ask him where he got them? I think it was The Sandpaper Man, but best ask him.



16th December 2012, 10:19 PM
try workmate they send across AUST

16th December 2012, 10:31 PM
Hi Hughie,
Vern Bunn ( TTIT ) knows where to get the best you can buy.

Indasa, Portugal made,"Rhyno Wet Redline " is what you are after.

Best Paper I have ever used. I have it to 1200, & I'm not sure if it goes any further.
Apparently all the Crash Repair People in QLD. use this.

17th December 2012, 12:42 PM
Australian Jewellery supplies will have it. Don't know where they are in Syd, but they'd do internet sales.
try here as a start - http://www.jewellerssupplies.com.au/images/pdfs/P128_134.pdf
I bought some from their Brisbane shop.


17th December 2012, 01:32 PM