View Full Version : Kizzel
13th December 2012, 11:23 AM
I am a new member to woodwork forum.
I was hoping that someone may be able to help me I am wanting to buy a bob's game.
It is an old game i think from the 50's.
I donot mind if it isnt an original. If someone can help I would very much appreciate it.
13th December 2012, 12:11 PM
what is it? any pictures or info? I could just find a nintendo game by searching on the web.
13th December 2012, 12:13 PM
welcome to the forum by the way...
13th December 2012, 02:43 PM
what is it? any pictures or info? I could just find a nintendo game by searching on the web.
THankyou for your reply and welcome note.
I have copied the rules of play.
Could you send me an email and I can attach a poto of the game. Not sure to do it on here.
,“Bobs Rules”
1. Push in the two arms at each end and arrange the set at the end of a cloth covered table.
2. Place the odd coloured ball about 6” in front of the centre hole of the set and centrally between the two projecting arms.
3. The remaining balls are played from a fixed point or line at the other end of the table.
4. Each player plays the remaining balls. The odd ball must be hit by one of the remaining balls before any score is counted in any round.
5. If the odd ball is not hit by the first ball played, then that ball is “dead” and must be removed from the table before play goes on. This is repeated until the odd ball is hit.
6. If any ball is played into one of the apertures before the odd ball has been hit, the number shown over the aperture is deducted from the score of the player and the ball is removed from the table. Once the odd ball has been hit the remaining balls may be played into any aperture.
7. As each player completes a round, the numbers scored are added to the player’s total, then the next player carries on.
8. Points are scored by playing the balls into the apertures and adding the scores shown.
9. Should the odd ball be played into any pocket, double the number shown.
10. Games up to 50 or 100 points may be played and the player reaching the number first is the winner.
13th December 2012, 03:04 PM
Sorry cantnhelp, but welcome to the forum anyways
13th December 2012, 03:08 PM
Is this it?
Welcome to the forum
Allan at Wallan
14th December 2012, 09:21 AM
Spent many hours as a youngster playing
"Bobs". It was probably my introduction to
later playing snooker and billiards.
14th December 2012, 10:29 AM
Ah yes, I had a set when i was about 9 (hmmm 42 years ago).
Lots of (pre-computer) fun!
15th December 2012, 04:58 AM
So this is a BOBS game !
I found this for you :Table Bobs (
You could also ask in the Toys section.
15th December 2012, 10:43 AM
G'day Kizzel and welcome aboard, good to see you here!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:
We four brothers had a Bobs set as kids.Lotsa fun!!
16th December 2012, 10:09 AM
Welcome to the forum.