View Full Version : Did we lose thread subscriptions in the upgrade?

10th December 2012, 12:07 PM
Hi guys,

I used to use thread subscriptions to bookmark threads of interest. I just went to go look at some and the only threads I'm subscribed to are ones I have participated in since the upgrade. There is also no easy way to remove subscriptions unless you go into each thread an unsubscribe via thread tools. So have we lost all of our old subscriptions?


DJ’s Timber
10th December 2012, 12:23 PM
I've just checked mine and they're still there.

As for removing subscriptions, click on the Settings link at the top right of the screen, then click on the View all Subscribed Threads and you'll then be able to tick the boxes on the right and then change the the settings for them via the Slected Threads box at the bottom.

10th December 2012, 12:29 PM
Thanks and there they are :) I could have sworn I used to just click my name and navigate from there. The subscriptions shown in that area appear to only be recent ones.

Thanks Mate