View Full Version : iPad Users
9th December 2012, 10:49 PM
"New Posts" is probably the most clicked icon for forum users. However, for iPad users it it not located in a 'user friendly position' and it makes me wonder if the web designers even use an iPad. Unless you tap ever so carefully, it is so easy to hit the icon above which is "whats new" or the neighbouring "activity stream" or "private messages".
Most of us have clumsy big fingers that easily tap not quite in the right position.
So I urge the designers of this site to take this on board and change the placement of the "new posts" icon for that very reason.
10th December 2012, 12:20 AM
Use a stylus. Moving menu items only fixes the symptom not the underlying issues - fingers have many uses but web browsing isn't one of them.
Seriously Kidbee, give it a go.
10th December 2012, 06:32 AM
Use a stylus. Moving menu items only fixes the symptom not the underlying issues - fingers have many uses but web browsing isn't one of them.
Seriously Kidbee, give it a go.
Whilst a stylus is a great for those type of things, typing with them is not. Switching between the two is painful. Kidbee is right, you shouldn't have to compromise when using a website, it's a big turn off.
10th December 2012, 06:57 AM
Personally, I don't have a problem with it.
(sent from my iPad)
10th December 2012, 07:13 AM
Personally and as a tablet user I think that the "New Posts" button could be a bit larger & more prominent, but there is probably a better reason than "the web designers ever use an ipad". Now I wonder if kidbee has ever designed a web page?
Jim Carroll
10th December 2012, 07:41 AM
Kidbee do you use the two finger spread to enlarge the page size. I find this the best way to touch the small icons on the pages.
from my ipad
Big Shed
10th December 2012, 08:21 AM
Jim just beat me to this, but I use the 2 finger spread on my Android Tablet as well.
I have in fact put an icon on my front page with a link to New Posts, so I actually open the forum from that rather than go to the forum front page.
I have a few different icons to go to various parts of the forum that would normally take a few clicks as well.
To redesign the forum interface to suit various uses would be a big ask, where do you stop? There are plenty of other small icons that can be hard to get at on a mobile device.
I use the stylus that comes with my Thinkpad tablet a lot and can now type reasonably fast with that as well.
10th December 2012, 06:16 PM
Kidbee do you use the two finger spread to enlarge the page size. I find this the best way to touch the small icons on the pages.
from my ipad
No I have not been enlarging the page size. I cannot understand why "NEW POSTS" is such a small icon when it is the most used?? That does not make any sense to me.
Above it on the top line is "musical instruments" which is in a much more prominent and convenient position, but such a heading would hardly get used to my way of thinking.
I have no knowledge of web design but I have been around long enough to know when something is not user friendly.
Using a stylus is a bit too metrosexual for me, and without one I can navigate my way through lots of sites with little difficulty.
DJ’s Timber
10th December 2012, 06:24 PM
Above it on the top line is "musical instruments" which is in a much more prominent and convenient position, but such a heading would hardly get used to my way of thinking.
Kidbee, can you take a screenshot for us please, Steven has adjusted the settings today and you should be seeing what I've attached, you may need to clear your cache.