View Full Version : Post awaiting moderator approval

4th December 2012, 04:25 PM
Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere, I had a look around before asking.

But is there a post count I have to reach before I can post directly to the forum without mod approval?
It's just that my posts have been taking hours to be approved and I'm wondering how I can speed it up. I'm not looking to spam the forum, just a way to have a quick convo or get some quick advice/purchase at the market.

I just worked it out, the answer is 42. No, it's 3 :)
Now all I gotta work out is how to delete this thread.

4th December 2012, 04:42 PM
Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere, I had a look around before asking.

But is there a post count I have to reach before I can post directly to the forum without mod approval?
It's just that my posts have been taking hours to be approved and I'm wondering how I can speed it up. I'm not looking to spam the forum, just a way to have a quick convo or get some quick advice/purchase at the market.

I just worked it out, the answer is 42. No, it's 3 :)
Now all I gotta work out is how to delete this thread.

If you go "Edit Post" within the next few hours or so you'll be able to delete the thread.

4th December 2012, 04:55 PM
Nope I don't see it, I clicked edit post on my first post and all I have is 'Edit post' save/preview changes and then additional options w.r.t attachments, subscription to thread. No delete thread that i can see.

4th December 2012, 05:23 PM
I wasn't able to find the delete thread, but when i posted that, i got this message again:

Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. You will now be taken back to the forum. If you opted to post a poll, you will now be allowed to do so.

I thought I had gone past the 3 posts, spammer thing, but I'm starting to get it again... I was able to post to the welcome forum and see my post immediately.

Big Shed
4th December 2012, 05:28 PM
Yes there are a certain number of posts before your posts goes straight through, especially if you have a url link in your post.

Moderators are volunteers, who strangely enough also have a life of their own, so sometimes it takes a little while for one of us to get around to approving posts in moderation.

Patience is a virtue my friend:2tsup:

In the meantime enjoy your time, both on and off te forum.:D