View Full Version : Scroll Fest 2005 - Redcliffe Qld

6th April 2005, 03:05 PM
Whilst putting the ad in the latest Scroll Saw Network newsletter (be emailed out by this weekend Pete :D ). I have contemplated travelling up to Redcliffe to check out the Fest over the weekend of May 7-8. Am waiting to hear back from George Jull if its going to be a big enough event to warrant going to.

That said, is anyone planning to go to this? I hear the Redcliffe area is quite a nice place to visit.

7th April 2005, 01:51 AM
ya read my mind :D
with all ur mod stuff work family and stuff do YOU actually SLEEP????

7th April 2005, 09:27 AM
Yes I manage to find time to get enough sleep in..

Do I find time to get in the shed to do some scrolling ..... NO :(