View Full Version : Danish oil finish.

3rd April 2005, 10:29 PM

First time user, long time voyeur.

Any thought's on using danish oil as a finish on a peice of jarrah outdoor furniture (daybed) that wont actually be out in the sun or rain.

What about burnishing danish oil.


4th April 2005, 11:08 AM
welcome, I used to think a great deal of danish oil, but I have developed a bit of a polyurethane dislike and now do not use it. Organoil make a non PU danish oil but do not recomend it for tabletops but would probably be ok for your application. You could try the organoil hard burnishing oil as well depending on what gloss level you want from the project. If you want a higher gloss level the U-beaut Hard shellac would be worth a go.

As far as burnishing goes I find it a theraputic process and actually enjoy it. Depending on how much work you are prepared to put in you can get significant gloss levels. I regularly go out to 2000 grit on small items (jewellery boxes) and get a gloss angle of about 30-40degrees.

4th April 2005, 02:53 PM
I think you'd be safer using a good Outdoor furniture Oil. Even though it's under cover, the elements will still affect it. Try some Feast & Watson (Bunnies stock it)

4th April 2005, 03:58 PM
If you're simply wanting to preserve the colour and texture of the jarrah, Danish Oil works really well. I've got a couple of tables on the patio that get some exposure to the sun during the morning hours (they're on the eastern side of the house). They get an application of Danish Oil about once every six months and they have kept their colour and texture really well.


4th April 2005, 06:05 PM
Something different I finally got my hands on, is Lanotek - timber sealer. Made from the lanolin in wool. got it from bunnies. Originally saw it on ABC's LandLine within the last few years.

Am testing it at present. Initial results are good ie look, colour and smell of the bathroom mirror frame. Can't wait to put the last coat on and polish it up.
