View Full Version : Help! This desk needs to be restored!

26th October 2012, 10:57 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm an absolute newbie when it comes to furniture restoration. I recently got a desk in the retro 50's style that promptly gave up on me once i took it home. I'm hoping someone in this forum can give me some advice on fixing it up! I've attached some photos of the desk and I'd appreciate any feedback.

Thank you.238437238433238434238435238436

29th October 2012, 02:45 PM
Hi chonges, and welcome to the forum. Couple of questions.....is the actual damage (not the finish.) something you can re-fix easily? The pics suggest a screwdriver &/or hammer would work. Or is there more significant damage/ cracks etc.? It does tend to look like the damage is mainly around join areas, so maybe a close up or 2 would help. Re the finish, probably get to that once we've sorted out the repairs. It looks like a 60's/ 70's piece to me, and so may well have a varnish/ poly coating rather than the much older shellac etc, which will mean some hard work to key back. Depends what yu want to achieve, and how much time & effort you think it warrants. Looking forward to seeing more...and others may well chip in here too! Lawry