View Full Version : Prissy Shrieks of Fear and Loathing

8th October 2012, 07:16 PM
Read this:

Prissy shrieks of fear and loathing (http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/prissy-shrieks-of-fear-and-loathing-20121005-274a2.html)

...and return to discuss.

My favourite part reads, "He does not have to dumb down for his audience; he's already there."

All Alan Jones has is a microphone, without it, he'd be nothing.

8th October 2012, 07:33 PM
Today he seems to feel a bit hard done by that people are responding so negatively to him. He seems to forget that along with the freedom he has to obviously say whatever he feels, comes the freedom to take the consequences if other people think he is being an idiot.

8th October 2012, 08:01 PM
Looking forward to Media Watch tonight.

What cracks me up the most is the complaint of "Cyber bullying". :roflmao: Like, that's so much more insidious than "radio bullying" :roflmao2:

8th October 2012, 08:12 PM
Looking forward to Media Watch tonight.


What cracks me up the most is the complaint of "Cyber bullying".

That's priceless, the man is a buffoon.

8th October 2012, 08:39 PM

That's priceless, the man is a buffoon.

You are paying him a compliment

8th October 2012, 08:42 PM
Btw, I regard this whole thing the same as tax evasion and Al Capone - it wasn't his worst crime by far, but it did the job of getting him behind bars.

Carlton makes some good points about him. Has anyone read Jones Town by Chris Masters (the best investigative journo ever I reckon)? (I have)

8th October 2012, 08:59 PM
Has anyone read Jones Town by Chris Masters (the best investigative journo ever I reckon)? (I have)

No, I haven't. I briefly picked up the book a while ago. Be an interesting read. Was he (AJ) outed in the the book?

Have to agree with you on Chris Masters, I always make sure I'm watching Four corners when he's presenting.

8th October 2012, 09:21 PM
No, I haven't. I briefly picked up the book a while ago. Be an interesting read. Was he (AJ) outed in the the book?

Have to agree with you on Chris Masters, I always make sure I'm watching Four corners when he's presenting.

Not overtly as I recall. There is a lot of mention of another person. Think I might have to have another read (to in part satisfy my current news hunger). In my photography days I scored the cover of a book on the Southern Highlands of NSW (Bowral, Mittagong, Moss Vale etc), and Jonesy was launching it, at the flashest place in town (and very flash indeed). He was seated at the next circular table to me during luncheon, and when he knew he was about to go on, he withdrew a foot long piece of dental floss. I watched agast, as he flossed his teeth right then and then, and "surrupticiously" put the floss, now with tooth jam, back in his side pocket! :B

I'll give him his due as a public speaker though. He spoke for 45 minutes or so, and didn't refer to notes once. O'course, that doesn't necessarily mean that eveything he said was factually correct.......but he at least had us temporarily fooled. No wonder he had such a good memory of that Freddie Forsyth novel.....

8th October 2012, 10:17 PM
I have never liked the man! I will not listen to him if he comes on the radio let alone watching him on the TV. I am glad his nasty remark about "the red heads father" has come back to bite him on the bum. It was a low blow and I am glad people have reacted against him. I still ask the question...."What does he know about Rugby Union?" Was he qualified when he coached our export team? He gives an air that he is so much better than the rest of us. I hope he might be pushed off the air for his nasty comments!

8th October 2012, 10:42 PM
Never have like the self importance of Jones and Laws. The one percent of credibility they had was removed for me by the "cash for comment" episodes. This last disgraceful outburst just confirms my original opinion.

Like Chambezio, I change stations or turn off the radio completely if I ever hear them. Except it has already ruined my day by that point. :((


8th October 2012, 11:08 PM
I will not listen to him if he comes on the radio let alone watching him on the TV.

True Rod, but today was the day to listen in I reckon (and your listening count for a ratings ignore:U). Imagine how much extra work gasbagging he had to do! What would have been really good for the regular listeners would be to have transmitted silence when there would normally be an advert. Then they'd REALLY know how much actual "content" was in his "show".

I still ask the question...."What does he know about Rugby Union?" Was he qualified when he coached our export team? I hope he might be pushed off the air for his nasty comments!

Hmmm, as I recall from the book, not a lot. No mention of chaff bags in Masters work, but he does significantly highlight the farm muck raking he had to endure. Musta taken a liking tuit.

On Media Watch they show a screen capture of the promotion of the fundraiser on Facebook (IIRC). It was listed as a Public Event, in which case the recording would be legitimate, and Jones would have known he was at a Public Event. Four people present plus two journos have all said that there was no mention of the Chatham House Rule, and Chatham House themselves have said that if the rule is invoked then it is not by default, but by specific mention in each and every case.

I haven't been this news hungry in years.

9th October 2012, 01:08 PM
Something I should have explained in my earlier post but neglected to mention is that my disdain for these commentators (and inded others of the same ilk) extends to anyone associated with them in a commercial sense.

In other words I also shun the products they promote. I don't suppose for one moment I am alone in this boycott and advertisers would do well to heed this aspect.

As I make a concerted effort to avoid hearing these commentators I am not really aware of their endorsements. However as an example, John Laws used to endorse Valvoline oil. As a consequence I did not buy it when it was a current advertising campaign and I have deliberately never bought it since.

I find very little likeable about media commentators who belittle and ridicule people. I find nothing likeable with those media commentators who lack integrity.

Fortunately for me I am not in the market for a Mercedes, but if I was I would buy Audi, BMW, Jaguar or any other luxury vehicle before considering a Merc. To their credit Mercedes have withdrawn the use of the vehicle, but to their shame they once considered Alan Jones was worthy: Minus 100 demerits.


9th October 2012, 01:15 PM
To their credit Mercedes have withdrawn the use of the vehicle.....

I did particularly like the completely unnecessary, but highly insulting addition of "or we'll repossess it".

9th October 2012, 01:27 PM
In other words I also shun the products they promote.

Paul, apply the same rule to someone who fervently supports AJ. Lets say a friend or relative. Maybe a good mate on these forums.

I read somewhere that Tony Abbott loves appearing on AJ's station but shuns the ABC. On this basis you could assume Tony avoids the hard yards and questions. Is he a fake, only appealing to the populist thought and doesn't even attempt to gain new voters?

I find Tony on the same level as AJ and had a good old belly laugh when he wheeled out his misses after years of being, what he appears to be, a misogynist. I'm what you would probably call, a socialist, and would (almost) vote for Mal if he was up front in the next election.

But back to my original question. My Father is a career Tory, always votes for em', always will. I can only challenge him when he says something like, "oh, that AJ fella, top bloke!" Since when do you think dropping 'anyone' in the drink wrapped in a chaff bag a good idea?

9th October 2012, 02:37 PM
Looking forward to Media Watch tonight.

What cracks me up the most is the complaint of "Cyber bullying". :roflmao: Like, that's so much more insidious than "radio bullying" :roflmao2:
I thought the same and enjoyed his squirming. However it was pointed out to me that, by his complaining, he is diminishing the perceived seriousness of a real and insidious problem affecting many in the real world as opposed to planet radio 2GB.

9th October 2012, 02:56 PM
Gents, please keep the discussion suitable for family viewing, thank you.

Forum Moderator

9th October 2012, 03:51 PM
Groggy quite rightly removed a post I made earlier in the day, my apologies if it offended.

9th October 2012, 03:56 PM
I hadn't watched MediaWatch on Monday however just watched on iView (ABC iView - Media Watch 2012 (http://www.abc.net.au/iview/?series=3421582#/view/27149)). I thought JH was going to launch into AJ however the whole episode centred around the legality of AJ's speech in a supposedly private forum. Interesting. Would love to invoke Chatham House rules on these forums hehe. :think:

9th October 2012, 08:02 PM
Groggy quite rightly removed a post I made earlier in the day, my apologies if it offended.


Thanks for "owning up" :D. After reading Groggy's post I re-read half a dozen posts and was scratching my head wondering what I had missed and pondering if I had transgressed again (inadvertinently of course :rolleyes:).

This issue is of course very emotive regardless of political persuasion. I try (now I am reformed :wink:) to say things I would only be prepared to stand up and say in a court of law. Alan Jones at al would do well to heed the same mores.


Ps. Don't get me going on Tony Abbott. I am not anti-liberal per se, but I do call into question the credibility of any party that thinks he is a suitable person to represent a country, particularly when they have somebody like Malcolm Turnbull.

17th October 2012, 07:27 AM
The German word "shadenfeude" comes to mind. Delighting in the misery of another. Mr Jones is an entertainer not any kind of journalist and we all tend to forget that. Part of his spiel is the ranting exaggerating stance he takes. The trouble is his loyal audience who take him seriously, eg the Cronulla riots a few years ago. I note that he was convicted but hasnt returned his AA yet. Anyway, its good theater. Lets hope this episode finally nobbles him.

Chris Masters book is excellent, it shows the complexity of the man. A must read if you want to understand or take him on.

17th October 2012, 12:26 PM
The trouble seems to be that he appears to take himself seriously.

18th October 2012, 06:29 PM
I see that he is having to undergo journalist training, apparently in order to help him distinguish fact from fiction.