View Full Version : Staining gone wrong

7th October 2012, 03:40 PM
Hi All,
I have just constructed a black-wood glass cabinet on a stand from some very blond black-wood. Its part of a set of four pieces of furniture the other three being made from darker black-wood. I have stained the glass cabinet (one coat) direct onto the wood with a diluted black-wood stain to try to match the toning of the other three and got a result way too dark. I'm not sure if time alone will help lighten the toning before I finish it with a varnish. Has anyone got ideas how to lighten the colouration of the cabinet suitable for use by an enthusiastic amateur. Thanks Reemer :C

11th October 2012, 09:35 PM
Sand it off. I'm in the process of staining a old car dashboard from American walnut and have done several sample pieces. To avoid using too many I sanded off a couple without too many problems. If the timber is super absorbant (i.e. ply) then you might struggle but otherwise sanding should be ok.

I would do a test piece first - i.e get an offcut, stain it dark, leave it for a day then try.



12th October 2012, 05:32 PM
Sand it off. I'm in the process of staining a old car dashboard from American walnut and have done several sample pieces. To avoid using too many I sanded off a couple without too many problems. If the timber is super absorbant (i.e. ply) then you might struggle but otherwise sanding should be ok.

I would do a test piece first - i.e get an offcut, stain it dark, leave it for a day then try.


Thanks Tom - I've gone down the sanding option and the result os OK - next time I'll try more tests before rushing in
Thanks Roy