View Full Version : hall table project

19th September 2012, 10:13 AM
G`day all
Just want to know what do You think about my project.It was in very bad conition and I had to stripped .finished by hand using french polish .any coments more then welcome.To see more pictures of my work please go to my album.Cheers.Chris

20th September 2012, 09:07 AM
Brilliant Job well done.
Should be good for another 150 years.



22nd September 2012, 06:53 PM
Impressive!! Looks awesome! Did you make your own F Polish froj shellac, or use ready made? Also, a few lines on your process would go down a treat on this forum...there are many eyes watching!! :cool:Lawry

24th September 2012, 02:34 PM
In one word,...fantastic !!! The grain and colour really come through with this table. Love the looks of the table.

7th October 2012, 09:37 AM
Impressive!! Looks awesome! Did you make your own F Polish froj shellac, or use ready made? Also, a few lines on your process would go down a treat on this forum...there are many eyes watching!! :cool:Lawry

Hi Lawry

Yes I did my own french polish from shellac.I use to made it.I dont buy redy french polish,frst you dont know how long ago was made.Its very impotrant that to use ,,strong``f.polish.Its does dry faster and its easer to work with.Methylated spirit is only ok,(f.polish is ,,wèak``.Much better is 99.9 polising spirit.stripped able first and discovered that wood from which table was maide was very unusual.Grain vas very nice ,stained with Morrells stain(alcohol base) and polised .Ah forgot that change colour of f.polish to get this reach shade of honey.well there much more things I should tell about this projekt but maybe nex taime.Oh two legs where missing,had to maide them up.Turning in wood its very pleasant so everything went fine.Job done:)

7th October 2012, 09:42 AM
In one word,...fantastic !!! The grain and colour really come through with this table. Love the looks of the table.
Hi There,

Thanks for coments,appreciate that.Drop by and see more work in my album.cheers
