View Full Version : Iron strap/bracket/thingy's

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14th September 2012, 05:20 PM

I was wondering if anyone knew where in Australia (preferably Qld) one would be able to purchased these iron flat corner straps? Sometime you see them on large mirrow frames (which is what I need them for) or on furniture, But the were used (in the olden days :B) for doors and cupboard doors? Someone from the hardware place has told me they could be English? I have googled and googled till the cows come home and can not find a Australian website with them.

Soooooo hoping this is going to be an easy one!!

Thanks in advance and thank god it's Friday!!

Attached Thumbnails http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f85/92643d1347600095t-iron-strap-bracket-thingys-iron-straps.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f85/92643d1347600095-iron-strap-bracket-thingys-iron-straps.jpg)

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/iron-strap-bracket-thingys-106392/)