View Full Version : RE: tung-oil/polyurethane finishes

19th March 2005, 04:27 AM
Hello everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has used a tung-oil/polyurethane finish before. If so, what did you finish with it? How did you mix the tung-oil and polyurethane? Can it be bought already made? Any special techniques that you used?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all,
Dan Pincus
[email protected]
Hampshire, Illinois USA

19th March 2005, 09:12 AM
Some reading here:



20th March 2005, 07:50 AM
Dan, I've finished tables and lots of shelving with Tung Oil & polyurethane mixes. I've mixed my own (50/50), as well as buying some ready made (in Australia Feast Watson make a ready made mix called "Floor Seal" - used for flooring and furniture.) You can brush it on, but by far the best application method is spraying. Either way you need at least 2 coats, sanding back between coats with 320 grit orbital. You need about 12 hours between coats, depending on temperature. Overnight is best. The first coat is a sealing coat and feels a little "rough", especially if it raises some of the timber grain. You must sand back between coats. The second coat looks and feels great. Satin lustre, very hard and water / heat resistant.

Lighter coloured timber can get a yellowy tingue over time - more so if exposed to direct sunlight.

22nd March 2005, 08:21 AM
thank you guys for the info. i appreciate it

22nd March 2005, 08:47 AM
I recently used Minwax Wipe-On Poly, purchased from Bunnings. I believe it to be a poly/tung oil combination. It comes in two finishes, gloss and matt.

I applied with a cloth in the same way tung oil is applied. It is the easiest finish I've applied and dries hard and water resistant in a matter of minutes. Other that the Ubeaut finishes I use, it’s the best product I've used for obtaining a professional finish.