View Full Version : Nitrocellulose lacquer thinners

dai sensei
25th August 2012, 10:46 PM
Doing a bit of spraying at the moment with Nitrocellulose lacquer. I thinned out the lacquer with the thinners for spraying, but used up the last of my thinners to wash the gun out. I have a bit more to do tomorrow, and still have the necessary thinned lacquer, but no thinners left for cleaning.

I have heaps of acetone. Can it be used for clean-up of the lacquer?

Thanks in advance.

25th August 2012, 11:24 PM
It all depends on what type of seals o rings etc. are used in the gun some will be ok and some will be ruined and you won't know until the deed is done, I know this from personal experience

dai sensei
25th August 2012, 11:31 PM
Thanks China.

I was watching a u-tube video on making your own NCL using ping pong balls and Acetone, so thought you might be able to use it as thinners.

tea lady
26th August 2012, 01:55 AM
Thanks China.

I was watching a u-tube video on making your own NCL using ping pong balls and Acetone, so thought you might be able to use it as thinners.:oo: Ping pong balls? :hmm:

26th August 2012, 09:33 AM
...this sounds kinky...http://smileys.emoticonsonly.com/emoticons/s/sharing_popcorn-1245.gif

26th August 2012, 09:51 AM
If ya out of thinners for cleaning, don't stress too much.

even after it has dried nitro will redisolve in the thinners......its not the $#!t fight that enamel or polly is if you don't clean out straight away.

If there is still lequer left in the gun after you have finished spraying....leave it there, the remaining laquer and solvent will keep everything disolved.

Back when I was doing a lot of speakers and equipment cases, I had a gun permanently loaded with GMH flat black, which is black nitro..the gun would remaon uncleaned for weeks at a time, just kept refilling.

The two main volume components in laquer thinner are hydrocarbon ( white spirit..turps with out the oil) and alcahol (metho).
There will be a little acetone, and a dash of MEK and a few traces of other things.

If ya looking for a close easily available solvent, metho is a better bet than acetone.


26th August 2012, 10:07 AM
:oo: Ping pong balls? :hmm:

How to Make Nitrocellulose Lacquer- YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH4wAcwGi1Y)

26th August 2012, 11:27 AM
Yep Ping Pong balls.......ya need a lot of balls though and i doubt that it would be a good quality finish.

Old 78 records can be made of nitro too, disolving 78's to make black laquer is not new.

Nitro celulose was a very big thing in the mid to early 20th century...lots of stuff was made out of it.

Photographic film was nitro in the period.

Nitro and bakerlite where the two big volume plastics of the time.


26th August 2012, 04:20 PM
If you do use nitrocellulose do not get it near a heat source it is incredibly flammable another name for it is gun cotton