View Full Version : Finishing the deck
16th March 2005, 01:00 PM
Completed an outdoor deck several weeks ago so am now looking to finish it off with a couple of coats of decking oil. Are all oils basically the same, or are there some that you would recommend over others? It is mixed red hardwood over t/p. A bloke at the paint shop I was quizzing suggested using an acrylic rather than oil but I remain scepticle.
17th March 2005, 11:39 AM
All the hardware stores carry decking oil. Wattyl, Feast Watson, Sikkens all make an oil product. I use the Wattly because it's cheaper and they all seem about the same.
The downside with oil is that you need to recoat every 3-6 months. But it looks great and brings out the beat timber grain and colour.
I've never seen a clear acrylic - maybe he meant paint. I reckon its a crime to paint a hardwood deck - covering up the mixed reads would be a real mistake.
17th March 2005, 11:51 AM
spa-n-deck is excellent.
17th March 2005, 05:45 PM
Try using oil, it does fade over time with wear and tear; however, it looks brilliant after every recoat.
18th March 2005, 08:40 AM
I used Sikkens on our deck - see this thread for photo