7th August 2012, 08:51 PM
Ok so I made this coffee table, pic coming up, and In the white ring of the pic, you can tell the stain came a bit botchy/black. I plan on sanding that spot only back to bare wood, and then recoating CAREFULLY with the exact same stain [this was only stained a few weeks ago]. WIll doing this, in exactly the same way i did it last time, just more carefully, leave a visible mark where it was stripped and recoated?
8th August 2012, 02:21 PM
Wow that's a crazy finish. What did you use (which I'm guessing people who know what they're talking about will want to know first anyway)?
9th August 2012, 11:00 PM
What you need to think about is what caused the stain to go blotchy.
It is reasonable to expect that its something in the timber..a change in texture or such.
I recon it is far from a guaranteed thing.
If it is not nasty or uggly, I'd leave it as a testiment to it being real wood.