View Full Version : Repairing Danish Deluxe furniture

5th July 2012, 11:50 AM
Hi. I have a friend who has a Danish Deluxe chair like this one in the photo below. A leg has been broken. Any ideas on how to replace the leg ? We could rebuild it as a last resort, but I'm thinking there may be somewhere where he can buy salvaged parts or something ?
Any ideas ?

5th July 2012, 01:00 PM
Hmmm..will be keen to her others views. We actually had this same setting (diffeent covering) and had the major support of the 2 seater broken. Given the way its made, the leg is bent and a little springy so I would imagine any repairs would have to make it equally strong, to withstand the same amouint of pressure as pre=break. i.e the load is 100% supported by the leg. In my mind, if this design breaks, then its time to remember the good times your friend had with it and have a goodbye drink! Lawry