View Full Version : Porthole Window ... seeking ideas

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1st June 2012, 06:10 PM
Hi all ...

About to do a rebuild of the bathroom and looking at installing a porthole window on one of the shower walls (to take in a great view). Wall construction is standard 70mm stud, with 12mm ply cladding, and villaboard/tile on the inside (overall wall thickness around 100mm). Window can be either fixed or opening and roughly 300mm to 400mm in diameter.

Been considering a standard marine porthole, but the 100mm wall thickness means I'd have to figure out some sort of circular frame to close-off the circular cut out. And then there is finishing the outside trim.

So I got googling and found these all aluminium windows from Spain (Aluminalia | Ojo de buey, Ojos de buey, Porthole, Oeil de Boeuf, Rownd Windows, Aluminio, Aluminium (http://www.aluminalia.net/?_kk=porthole&_kt=693b88a1-daff-4362-898e-5673ffe6f603&gclid=CLTt1pqyrLACFYY3pAod3AthTg))

http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/90455d1338533422t-porthole-window-seeking-ideas-porthole-window.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/90455d1338533422-porthole-window-seeking-ideas-porthole-window.jpg)

It seems very nicely designed and built, but I fear the cost could be excessive (have requested a quote).

So does anybody have any ideas for an existing "circular object" that could be re-purposed for my need? It needs to be waterproof, and suitable for the 100mm wall thickness. Or I was thinking I could have a couple of inter-fitting aluminium rings (outside and inside) either spun or turned?

Ideas please!

Thank you.
Attached Thumbnails http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/90455d1338533422t-porthole-window-seeking-ideas-porthole-window.jpg (http://www.renovateforum.com/attachments/f84/90455d1338533422-porthole-window-seeking-ideas-porthole-window.jpg)

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f84/porthole-window-seeking-ideas-104669/)