View Full Version : Advice needed for some new projects

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2nd November 2013, 07:46 AM
These are the feet I had turned up for me for the chest, and in their raw state. Obviously in fitting them to the chest, I may need to cut the dowels down but I won't know until the mounting blocks have been cut and fitted allowing me to do a trial fit of the feet. Again if I do need to cut the dowels down this going to have to be as accurate as possible, otherwise the chest will not sit evenly on the floor.

But first off a light sanding, perhaps a little bruising in places to give them a slightly aged look and then trial staining to make sure the feet don't stand out looking too fresh in comparison with the chest. Will be interesting to see how this all works out. More photos of this process as it happens in due course.

2nd November 2013, 03:04 PM
These are the feet I had turned up for me for the chest, and in their raw state. Obviously in fitting them to the chest, I may need to cut the dowels down but I won't know until the mounting blocks have been cut and fitted allowing me to do a trial fit of the feet. Again if I do need to cut the dowels down this going to have to be as accurate as possible, otherwise the chest will not sit evenly on the floor.

But first off a light sanding, perhaps a little bruising in places to give them a slightly aged look and then trial staining to make sure the feet don't stand out looking too fresh in comparison with the chest. Will be interesting to see how this all works out. More photos of this process as it happens in due course.

They look good.
You will need to cut the dowels, but that won't contribute to the chest not sitting flat. The dowels just need to be cut a bit shorter than the hole they are going into. The base of the feet will sit hard up against the foot blocks.
If the chest rocks, you will need to trim the tips of the feet. Not many of these old chests were made square, and chances are you are going to have to do this.
I find that a japanese saw with very fine teeth works well. You only need to trim a couple of mm off the high ones.

3rd November 2013, 01:23 PM
Thankyou, that makes complete sense and now at least I know how to manage this part of the project. Time to have a little play with some light sanding and colouring of the feet.

5th December 2013, 03:00 PM
Hi there Dave...I'm back after a long absence from the forum, and glad to see this is still a live thread!! Will catch up on it.
Alas, before you ask, I have NOT commenced any new project yet...too many distractions!! Cheer, Lawry

3rd January 2014, 02:41 PM
Hi Lawry, mate, I too have been somewhat absent (otherwise known as MIA), so I know exactly what you mean. As far as the chest is concerned, I actually havn't quite finished it. I started work on one of the new feet I had turned up. The colour and polish looking good, but as yet I am yet to complete this or start on colouring/polishing the other feet or make/fit the base plates.

In short what happened is that I moved the chest and some other pieces out to the country property back in mid November, as it seriously was taking up far too much room in the lounge room at home. And that is about where it sits. I will shortly finish off the feet as I am taking most of January off to do some more renno/house maintenance projects, so will try and get the feet finished and with luck perhaps even fitted to the chest.

As for the cedar box it too is taking a bit of a holiday for the moment, while I have been catching up on other rennos at home etc.

As far as our projects well 2014 is all there in front of us to get on with some I guess. Cheers and Happy New Year. Dave

3rd January 2014, 04:40 PM
They look good.
You will need to trim the tips of the feet.

Aye. I have found the best way for me to get around uneven feet/legs is to glue circles/pads of leather underneath as appropriate.

3rd January 2014, 05:33 PM
Happy New Year to you Dave, and all others on this thread!

Keep up the good work on the renos. Too damn hot here to do much work....expected 41 degrees tomorrow!! (excuses, excuses!!)

A mate has offered me his grandparents blanket box to restore..not sure of the condition, or timber, but he estimates it around 1850's 1860's. Looking forward to picking it up. His family have been icons in this area for a couple of generations, and have donated a massive amount of bits & pieces, furniture, farm equipment etc. to the local museum . Based on this I am hopeful of a nice piece to work on!! (unless its a cast-off not worthy of donating!!)

Also looking forward to seeing your progress! Cheers, L

17th January 2014, 11:22 PM
Wow ! looking good !
