View Full Version : Advice needed for some new projects
29th October 2012, 01:33 PM
Good to see some progress, keep it up and looking forward to seeing some results of all this hard work!
Thanks Chief, it felt good to get on with some progress at last. I actually ended up sanding back and shellacing the bottom two shelf areas. Now all I need to do is get the photos to work. I tried earlier on but they didn't seem to post. We do have a new computer system here at work so perhaps that is the problem, that and I just noticed the way you add photos has changed on the forum. I think I may have managed now to get two onto the system, and will keep trying to get some more shown
29th October 2012, 01:49 PM
It definitely doesn't seem to be as simple as it used to be, I seem to be having problems when you go into the manage files section to upload an image file, sometimes it seems to allow you to do so, other times you get a message saying clear list, but I don't wish to, but rather add more images and upload them. I also seem to be having trouble sometimes saving files onto the forum ?? It didn't use to do this. Anyway, hopefully the images I have managed to attach show where I am up to. If I can I will try and add at least one more image showing what I need to complete in terms of residual paint muck, plus the little repair section I will need to get onto shortly.
29th October 2012, 02:21 PM
It definitely doesn't seem to be as simple as it used to be, I seem to be having problems when you go into the manage files section to upload an image file, sometimes it seems to allow you to do so, other times you get a message saying clear list, but I don't wish to, but rather add more images and upload them. I also seem to be having trouble sometimes saving files onto the forum ?? It didn't use to do this. Anyway, hopefully the images I have managed to attach show where I am up to. If I can I will try and add at least one more image showing what I need to complete in terms of residual paint muck, plus the little repair section I will need to get onto shortly.
Dave...good to see you back on the saddle (or the sandpaper!) Looking like a nice piece already, and yes, I have also had major issues with replies/ photos on the forum of late. In posting on the piano stool, I had to re-post a number of times, as the forum woudlnt load properly , etc., thereby loosing my supposedly uploaded pics etc. frustrating for me as I am really a technophobe!! Lawry
29th October 2012, 02:24 PM
That's looking great, many thousand scrubs to get to that point!?!
29th October 2012, 05:24 PM
Hi Lawry, thanks mate, yes good to be back into it and posting progress. The hiatus was a little longer than intended. Anyway, good to see I am not the only one having some issues since the obvious upgrades to the forum format, I also lost a posting I had been drafting, The forum website seemed to lock and then it simply jumped out back to Google. Why does this thing always seem to occur, when software is upgraded. I too am a technophobe, albeit I do like my iphone and laptop, but don't ask me how to use such gear to its capacity. No clues at all re this sort of thing.
Re: Chief's question, the first part of the answer could be it all depends, especially when using the rubbish paint stripper, and for sure I am reckoning on many thousands, well it felt like that. But with the good stuff, the first coating seems to get most of the residual paint scum off, with normally one to two more scrubs to complete the process. I then wash the surface with water, detergent and/or sometimes metho with a further scrub. I could use oxalic acid but I can't be bothered spending the dosh. Obviously, sometimes I also need to apply a little extra paint stripper to problem areas, eg. the regency moulding strips between boards and also corners etc. In some instances, depending on what paints people have used in the past, it may mean even more work. It is a slow process, but dipping is in my experience less preferable, in terms of the colour I get afterwards, when shellacing. Commercial dipping seems to bleach pines, and I would never dip cedar. I have seen the results of this and it is horrid (splits, with all colour bleached out ending up looking grey).
29th October 2012, 10:26 PM
Hi guys. Easiest way to add photos (and video) is the icons in the 2nd of three lines above where you type in (the tree in a box) - much easier than the 'manage attachments' option. Also the site saves your typing every so often ... took quite a while for me to understand it ... but if you get a freeze up ... try reloading the same page ... it should have a blank message section, but with 'Restore Saved' something or other in the bottom left-hand corner.
I saw SG had done some resto on his blog, so I thought I'd link it in here in case you were interested ...
The Village Woodworker: Restoring A Gateleg Table - Part 1 (
14th November 2012, 01:54 PM
Did a little more work on the dresser top last night. I cut back using 400 grade paper the two bottom shelves and thereafter re-coated with shellac, though still now need to pad on more coats until I am happy with the final finish. I also need to finish cleaning up the top two shelves and undertake the little repair to the back board. I will get there, so hang in there anyone who is interested in seeing this. Will post some more pics etc once I have made some real progress. Been kinda of busy on weekends of late, let alone evenings after work.
15th November 2012, 11:15 AM
Of course we are interested!! :wink:
15th November 2012, 11:21 AM
. I will get there, so hang in there anyone who is interested in seeing this. .
Silly thing to say..really now, Dave?? :q
23rd November 2012, 07:32 AM
Silly thing to say..really now, Dave?? :q
Yep, fair point guys. 'fraid no progress this week, once again been really busy with other things.
I did manage to polish up very quickly an old piece of baltic that in a previous life perhaps had been an old dunny water box (you know the old chain pull thing loo that has the water closet mounted up high) as the ends were nicely shamfered. The reason for doing this, was to use it as a mounting block for some antique copper reliefs of a man, woman and a hand (don't ask me re the symbolism as I have no idea), which I bought many years ago on a greek island when on one of my many OS trips.
I thought I should finally do something with them and wanted a suitable rustic piece of timber. All I need now to complete that is to find some nice looking brass or rustic brads to pin said reliefs to the piece of wood, and then a mounting thingy so I can hang it on the wall. A minor distraction from the main game. Probably should take a snaparama to show you what I mean.:doh:
3rd January 2013, 05:02 PM
Just realised it had been some time since I had anything to say re this project and/or others. Now what with Christmas having come and gone, ditto the New Year, I can say I have managed to continue working on the dresser top, albeit slowly, and finally am working on the top shelf area. I even managed to cut back and polish the top of the dresser, and have been re-working pretty much the rest of it to the point where I can shortly start cutting back with 0000 grade steel wool and then wax on wax off. So hopefully now not too much longer and yes I will take some more photos to show the final result.
Of course in sorting out the top shelf that also means tackling the small repair I need to do to one of the backing boards, which will be an interesting little job in itself. Hopefully it won't come out looking too obvious or rubbish. Then I am going to have to somehow mount the damn thing (its heavy) onto my huon pine dresser base. I just hope I can do this as normally the dresser base would have cut outs in the top of it, but of course mine doesn't. So possibly a little lateral thinking may need to be in order, that and or any advice. I will also take photos to show what I mean re this issue. The joys of such projects afterall.
I was really pleased that at Christmas I was able to use the tilt top table I previously restored (as shown on this thread), and it had centre stage in my lounge room, with it being used for putting platters of food and some drinks on it. It certainly got some some admiring comments from family members, so definitely a job well done.
4th January 2013, 12:27 PM
See attached (hopefully) the latest few pics of where I am at with the dresser top and the base I wish to use. As you will see it has no cutouts on the top piece, so perhaps I will need to do this or, alternative add a small fillet of wood to the side panel to allow the dresser top to be attached to the base.
4th January 2013, 12:47 PM
Will try to add some more pics re all this. Given I am using my work computer I cant use firefox, google chrome or opera, and besides I don't know how any of these work. I would personally just prefer it if I could add photos as I used to be able to, it worked (so why fix) and was simple (which is good) :D:D:2tsup::D:D.
Anyway sufficient grizzles and now for some photos.
4th January 2013, 12:51 PM
This next pic, is of the little Greek Icons (for want of a better term), they are basically embossed reliefs in copper. This was the little distraction project I had previously mentioned, so thought I should post this as well.
17th January 2013, 11:16 AM
This next pic, is of the little Greek Icons (for want of a better term), they are basically embossed reliefs in copper. This was the little distraction project I had previously mentioned, so thought I should post this as well.
INteresting project Dave...all you need now are the Greek Goddesses!! :q
Hope you're not being affected by the terrible bushfires around you? Lawry
17th January 2013, 01:57 PM
INteresting project Dave...all you need now are the Greek Goddesses!! :q
Hope you're not being affected by the terrible bushfires around you? Lawry
Ah very good Lawry, yes indeed a Godess, now that would have looked really special, either that and/or a boat. The Geeks like their boats. (In the picture hopefully in the corner above the stove you can see the little painted wooden blocks with images of greek boats, brought back from my travels).
Thanks mate, all ok with the country place, thankfully. The fire front down Forcett way (Tas Penninsula) did start getting somewhat a little close but I am glad for our sake it didn't make it. Was terrible seeing all the destruction that occurred, let alone loss of wildlife, stock peoples homes etc. The smoke was bad enough at the height of the fires. I spent one Saturday out there cutting long grass and stuff back for around 8 hours to clear it back from the house. Still have quite a bit more cutting back to do but feel a little safer.
Re the dresser top, one night this week, I managed to cut back and wax on wax off the bottom shelf area, now to get that motivation happening to just finish it off. I know I have really taken my time on this project. Too slack for sure.
Oh well back to my day job for the moment. Cheers Dave
21st January 2013, 12:29 PM
Good to see some more progress Dave and very glad to read that you were not affected by the fires,...very nasty and a big loss from what I saw
4th February 2013, 02:16 PM
Ok, 2nd attempt to post. First time the page locked and crashed.
So what I said was, that thanks Chief all good here, and yes for many in Tas, Vic, NSW and Queensland it sure has been a tough start to the year. Hoping that Lawry is all ok up there in Brisbane and not flooded out.
Re the dresser top, so yesterday I managed to put in a couple of hours and just about finished it. Polished the sides, fixed a small repair to the polish on the top and finished off all the lower shelf areas, including back boards, etc. All I now need to do is finish off the top shelf and find/install the cup hooks and yay....another project completed. Well that is apart from installing/attaching to the dresser base.
See latest pictures. That is if the system will allow me to load them up. That seems to be what caused it last time to crash. Hmn.
4th February 2013, 02:30 PM
Looks great - such a nice colour!
How did the repaired section come up?
4th February 2013, 03:26 PM
Good progress Dave. I have just the perfect spot for it when its finished!!
Glad to hear you weren't affected by the terrible fires down there. We;ve survived the floods other than one hell of a mess. A few roof leaks, but nothing major. There are so many badly affected folks though, and some for the second time in 2 years. Dont know how they stand up to it. The big fight other than the clean up is now with insurance companies!!
Anyway, life does go on invariably, and lets hope for the better all round!!
6th February 2013, 12:42 PM
Hi guys, yes indeed it this project is still ticking along. Not long now :U. I agree Chief, what is more the colour is actually even better still when seeing in person than in the photos, but it sure has come up really nice. Ahm, the final stage includes the repair. Need to find the jigsaw (I think that might be way to go), to square off the damaged area, so that I can thereafter insert the repair fillet. Am hoping this will all work out nicely.
Really Lawrey :D:D, hmn well, lets see what transpires, I am hoping the dresser top will fit nicely onto the base and not be too big in the dining room at home. Out at the country property, in the kitchen space would not be an issue but the dining room at home is somewhat small, and I do already have that other rustic baltic pine dresser. Might need to do in the short term some furniture re-arrangement. Thanks though for the offer to take it off my hands :2tsup: !!
Ah great, glad to hear that you managed to survive all that water, but for sure, I can well imagine how much mess there must be, given what I have seen on TV. What a horrid job to have to clean all that up and as you say, it only occurred previously a couple of years ago. Must be so depressing for so many.
I do hope the insurers don't mess people around, for that would be so unfair. That is for sure life must go on. I imagine it must be the same for all those affected by the fires. Will post more soon on this, as I complete it. Then I suppose I had best drag out the next project to make a start on that.
6th February 2013, 12:49 PM
Really Lawrey :D:D, hmn well, lets see what transpires, I am hoping the dresser top will fit nicely onto the base and not be too big in the dining room at home. Out at the country property, in the kitchen space would not be an issue but the dining room at home is somewhat small, and I do already have that other rustic baltic pine dresser. Might need to do in the short term some furniture re-arrangement. Thanks though for the offer to take it off my hands :2tsup: !!
.....All in the spirit of goodwill & helpfulness!! :wink:
6th February 2013, 03:37 PM
.....All in the spirit of goodwill & helpfulness!! :wink:
:2tsup: :D Thanks mate
19th April 2013, 02:37 PM
Its been a while since I posted anything re my various projects, quite a lot has occurred in my life since February.
This small hall table is made from kauri, huon and blackwood, which I restored many years ago. I bought it from the local auctions, and was in about 10 pieces plus, missing one of the side rails and the drawer. It was covered in paint, (as ever) but I only paid $30 so who is complaining.
In restoring it, I needed to insert a side rail, repair a top section of one of the legs which had split off and as well make a new drawer from scratch. A first for me, though it is not dovetailed, as I have neither the experience or equipment needed to do this kind of thing. I was still happy with what I achieved.
I actually gave it to my brother as a christmas/birthday present, but somehow he never collected it from my parent's home. Mum recently passed away, and so in cleaning out one of the rooms at their home, I liberated the table and brought it home to repolish the top which over the years had become dull and a little scratched. I also had to re-fix one of the drawer runners.
It does slope slightly forward, as the front legs are worn away at the base, and yes I probably could fix this, but at this stage I havn't bothered to do so. I like its rustic appearance and the slope is not too bad.
I only wonder how long it might take for my brother to come and collect 'his table' from me.
21st April 2013, 04:33 PM
Dave, sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Its tough with oldies...going through some fun & games with mine at the moment! In the midst of other things proving challenging at the moment, this is hard work!! So like you have been somewhat silent on the furniture project front.
I do like the old table you have liberated, and hopefully your brother delays pick up so you can enjoy it a little. I'm needing to get into another project or two, if for no other reason than to clear the mind and 'sniff the metho & wax' to escape for a while!! A good friend told me on Friday that I was a much easier fellow to be around when I have a good project on the go!!!
Onwards & upwards!! Lawry :)
21st April 2013, 07:58 PM
Hi Lawry, many thanks mate, it sure was a tough time, mum had a stroke and over the week we (my family) watched her slowly slip away. The bedside vigil 24 hours/day took its toll, but we all pulled through, and afterall giving our dad all the support he needs has been good for all of us. I am sorry to hear of the times you too are going though. It is never easy, and letting go is hard, but life must go on.
Yup like you, my woody projects certainly took a back seat. I have also been away quite a bit over the period as my other half had to move to Sydney for work for at least the next year. So plenty of up and back.
It felt good sorting out the table, and I know what you mean as I actually really like this table, but a deal is a deal so it is my brothers not mine. But, it is up to him to come and collect it. heh heh.
Hope you too can find some good projects to get into, for me, it takes my mind off other stuff and I find it really helpful. A bit like the book I have been slowly writing for a number of years, escapism, challenging and ultimately satisfying. But that is another story !!
I agree onwards and upwards. Cheers and all the best Dave
23rd April 2013, 10:41 AM
Hi Dave
Very sorry to read about the passing of your Mum, unfortunately not much else you can say but a sincere sorry.
Good to see you back at it and the escapism comment struck a chord with me too. I assume you wont be bugging your brother to come and pick up his table - however from what you have shown me I think he has enough to keep himself busy!
23rd April 2013, 02:13 PM
Thanks Chief, yes I am afraid you are quite correct, what else can one really say. Such times are always sad and one's parents are always special.
Heh heh, oh it just has to be escapism, for me the chance to work on such projects is such a complete contrast to my profession, (Manager with the EPA here is Tas, so that means office bound and shackled to the computer or in meetings, and the like). Restoration of furniture, classic cars, and old houses are a passion of mine. Hence putting in enthusiasm, hard work, time and some $$$ is fine by me.
Not only have I finally got back into the swing of things with furniture once more, ditto last Sunday was the first time in about 2 months that I managed to get out to the country property. I am still working on the hallway out there, plaster work is nearly finished, and then it is time to finish off restoration of all the wood work in the hall (floor, joinery, staircase etc). I am really looking forward to seeing this part of the restoration completed as it will be a huge step forward on this project.
Oh yes said brother has plenty on his plate, and it is true, I won't be bugging him to come and collect the table. I can admire my work at leisure for the time being.
23rd April 2013, 02:30 PM
Ok, first two pics show the front section (earliest section dating back to 1826) with original wide (300mm) butt jointed baltic boards, (dado - tas oak and incorrect in place and hiding original blackwood skirtings). The Dado is now gone, and plasterwork repaired, floors have had initial light sanding and borer treated hence patchy appearance, and we installed a manhole in the ceiling (using baltic to trim this up). I will need to re-sand and re-colour (shellac) before tung oil coating the floor. All the joinery was hand striped (architraves including the archway cedar and/or baltic and cedar 6 panel doors). The baltic panel in the what should be an internal fanlight, will need to be removed and a new fanlight with fine mullions re-instated. I need to find a suitable joiner for that job.
I will also upload some pics of the staircase which is a combination of baltic and NZ Kauri. I had to have the bottom stairs section re-built as it was in poor condition, so have used a mix of Huon pine, blackwood and baltic treads/risers. Once it is all completely stripped and polished it should look superb. The rear section of the hallway is lined in baltic lining boards and strangely enough a blackwood section (which I have stripped). My current thinking is to completely strip one wall back to show what the timberwork looks like but re-paint the rest of the walls, as stripping it back would be (a) too much work, (b) would make the hall possibly too dark in this section and/or (c) resemble a sauna. Not sure I really wish to go there. The floors are original butt jointed wide Tas Oak boards.
Anyway I will head out again on Thursday and over the weekend to get more done.
23rd April 2013, 02:40 PM
The staircase before work commenced on it.
23rd April 2013, 02:44 PM
Work commenced on the lower tread/risers repairs and we built a cupboard under the stairs by extending the area a little. These are all oldish photos, taken early on this year. I will update them and post some more, especially once there is more progress to show how it is all coming together. The one thing I can say is that the hall will not be be painted white on the walls. Current thinking is towards some sort of nice light creamy yellow to offset all the wood work, antique furniture and persian rugs we have.
26th April 2013, 12:58 PM
I have to admit, I am somewhat staggered by the number of views that my now somewhat lengthy thread has garnered, and I can re-assure all who might venture onto this one, that it is not just me, posting stuff here, to bolster this number !!:no::U.
I have also at times thought that perhaps I should finish this one off, as much of what I have more recently posted is not so much about needing help/advice but rather simply taking the opportunity to show what I am working on, my various projects.
Anyway, given that I thought I would post a much better pic of the staircase I took yesterday when out at the property as it better shows what I need to restore. My plan is to try not to over-restore the staircase, as I don't wish to loose its patina, but rather simply bring it back to life, showing the grain and colours of the various timbers in it.
The other photo I will attach is of a little cottage chair (i think it might be Elm ??? any other suggestions), that I bought many years ago. Someone had made a start on sorting it out, but never finished it. Again, I don't wish to over-restore, but will clean up the green paint on the one leg and try and even out the differences between the old dark (gone off shellac) and newly shellaced surfaces. I don't wish it to look too fresh and light in colour, so may have to try playing around with some stains, but equally I don't want it looking too false in colour. Thankfully it seems pretty strong, that is no loose joints, so one less problem to sort out.
30th April 2013, 11:40 PM
Ok, given that people still seem to be somehow interested in what I am up to with my all too many varied projects, I am going to assume that perhaps I am doing something ok here. So see below for a couple of pics of yet another project I just finished re-tidying up. Some years back I managed to pick up a small proportion cupboard/dresser base. Its mostly baltic, but has blackwood legs and with cedar panel faces on the doors. Internally it has one shelf.
When I bought it, it had been roughly finished and while perfectly ok, I wasn't completely happy with it. Fast forward a few years and I tried to sell it to my builder, as I basically felt I probably had too many antiques and probably could justify letting it go. I am only talking of a few hundred $$ afterall. Anyway the long and short of it was he too felt he couldn't really justify buying it at the time, even though he liked it. So to bring this little story up to date, I ended up bringing it back home from the country place and kept it in my lounge room. Over time, with the cats jumping up and over it scratched the finish in quite a number of places.
The only solution therefore being to key it back and re-polish. I actually ended up pretty much sanding it lightly back and re-shellac finishing it. As ever the final stage being to steel wool and bees wax polish the piece. Once again proving to myself just how forgiving a shellac finish is, as it has come up a real treat. The tidy up on this one being literally undertaken over two nights after dinner.
I now have it in the "good room" with the other good antiques and yes out of the way of the cats claws. Hope people enjoy the pics of this little piece.
9th May 2013, 12:13 PM
Just a quick update on the chair project. I have over the past few days managed to get a little more work completed on this. Cleaning up the green painted leg, though not quite completed as ran out of paint stripper, grrr. But I have cut back and re-shellaced the seat base, top back rail, as well as the spindles and the other front leg and support rail. Need to complete the legs.
What I am trying to do though is not to loose all the dark colour of the old shellac as that is a part of the history of the chair, I just want it to look cleaned up and with a depth of shine/colour to better show the grain of the timbers in it. So in sanding back, I am not being too bothered by trying to clean back all the old shellac from the turned grooves in the spindles or legs, but I do need to clean sufficient back so as not to have problems of reaction occuring between the old and new shellac finish.
All going well I should have this chair finished off by next week, the final stage being the cutting back with steel wool and wax on wax off. I will post a pic of the completed chair.
12th May 2013, 02:28 PM
Well, I beat my estimate, it being Sunday and the chair is already finished and has been sat on. It looks and feels really good. The one clear thing which I kind of always knew but is now more apparent is that the Green painted right hand leg was actually a replacement, and hence doesn't quite match the other 3 legs. It is fine for me, but I do notice it. I will post some pics of the completed project in the next day or so. Onwards and upwards to the next project..........
13th May 2013, 02:53 PM
Photos of the finished chair. Might have to tackle next the large mahogany hall table. Will be interesting to see how that one comes up.
18th May 2013, 11:58 AM
As previously noted, I figured it really was time to get on with this next project. So I dragged it out of the bathroom where it had been hiding for the past year or more and down to the 'shed". In doing so I took the time to see how I might be able to repair it properly. First off the slender backing board, was held on with 6 large screws, which was perfect as given it is split quite badly on the right hand side, by taking it off I can properly re-glue this before repolishing it. It looks like someone else had tried previously to glue it but most likely with a glue that simply wasn't up for the job, like aquadere.
Secondly, apart from that the whole table needs some repolishing/rejuvenation, the top will need to be completely stripped back and then re-polished but before I do that given it has a largish crack running the majority of the length of the top, I think it probably would be best to take the table top off, and using sash clamps and strong glue, fix it first. Must track down some sash clamps !!
After these two repairs, the repolishing process is pretty standard affair. I will post pics taken next week when at work. If you want to see which table I am talking about, go to the first postings in this thread, as there is at least one photo of the table. Stay tuned.
20th May 2013, 09:30 AM
Dave, you're putting some of us to shame by actually getting on with the projects and posting!!!! :- I didn't even manage to get to he Brisbane timber show this much in the way!! (and so little completed/ achieved!!)
Anyway, your post on the chair pricked my conscience ..I have a (comtemporary) spindle back chair that needs minor repair. The whole back/ frame/ spindles have come off the seat, so I figure a bit of glue and some wedges to sort out. (What glue are you using for this sort of thing?)
20th May 2013, 05:33 PM
Hi Lawry great to hear from you mate, had wondered where you had scarpered off to. What no time to get to the timber show, what a bugger. I am sure it could have been interesting.
Well you know what they say idle time, idle hands and so as not to fall into that camp, and well given I kind of previously had been pretty slack myself, thought I should get on with some more projects, given I have plenty to keep me more than occupied. Also some of them had been sitting on the back burner for a while, like the little cottage chair, so time definitely to get them finished.
Re your chair project, from my take on what you are saying this sounds about the right approach. Thumbthumper in his cedar bar back chair restoration is apparently using a hide glue, given that is what traditionally it would have been glued with and as a glue it can be quite strong. Also reasonably easy to work with should it break. On the drop leaf table I previously had to repair the leg I used a pretty impressive glue. I am pretty sure I gave details of the brand and type of glue. But I had borrowed the tube from a mate at work.
For this table, I am working on now, I was planning on going to the hardware shops soon to find out what they may have, as the back board and the top (with its splits needs repairing). I will let you know what I find out. In looking at the table last night, I tried to undo the screws that hold the top to the table base, but I had no luck in budging the screws. This leaves me I think with two options to somehow try to squeeze the split together using glue and sash clamps in situ, or alternatively to try to soak some sort of penetrating oil onto the screw to loosen it up. I am not sure if that would work. Any other ideas anyone ???
The table top is starting to look really nice now, as I have built up quite a number of coats, including cutting back and re-coating. The legs and side rails of the table, all I am planning on doing is to re-freshen the shellac by keying back and re-coating before cutting back with steel wool and wax polishing. I have already completed one of the legs by this approach.
I will post a series of photos of progress on the table. The other thing I would be interested in terms of feedback, if anyone wishes to do so, is do you think that the lowest section of the legs have been cut off, if so as I think they have, I assume this was to even it up most likely to wear and secondly does anyone think I should try to re-instate the bottom of the legs or perhaps just live with it as it is.
In showing the pictures of the table top, you will see how discoloured it was, how ruined the original shellac finish was and yes that it has plenty of patina (aging). What I have had to do therefore was paint strip off all the old finish, but I used a fine steel wool to help clean this up, as I had no coarse wool. Possibly a good thing. I thereafter neutralised the table top, washed in warm water, allowed it to dry and thereafter gave it a light sanding with 220 and 340-400 grade paper. I did this being careful, as I am aiming to give the top the best polished finish possible.
In shellacing the top, I first off used a fairly strong brew of shellac (more viscous) and with a paint brush, and thereafter thinned it back a little and worked it in with a pad, and a figure of 8 pattern to start off with. It was then cut back using steel wool (0000) and then re-coated by padding following the grain. The pictures show the progress and how well this approach works.
Will probably do a little more on it tonight after dinner.
21st May 2013, 12:27 PM
Just a really quick update, but not on the table as it was too cold to allow for any shellac application. I thought I would show some progress on the house restoration project that I am also working on. The photo shows the baltic fanlight, with original float glass, and the 6 panel cedar door, which I am working on. The cedar/blackwood skirtings that I have tidied up are a mix of parts that I had available to make the one section, to the immediate right of the door.
The next time I head out, I will need to plug a few holes, as there are some modern hex screws that were used to put the skirting on, and of course one doesn't want to see this. As I continue to work on the hall, given the plaster work is just about completed (finally), it is time to finish up all the polishing of cedar/huon pine joinery and repairs to the joinery that needs to be made to the archway in this part of the hall. I will leave the wide baltic flooring to the last, as this will require some careful treatment to even out the colouring/discolouration. Some of the discolouration is due to the use of caustic soda solution applied in an attempt to kill borer, of which there is some evidence of damage. Hopefully it will have worked as I don't want to either have to cut out sections of the floor boards and especially don't want the floor to collapse due to ongoing borer damage.
When I get to work on the floor, I will first off have to completely re-sand to even things out, then clean out all the joints, to remove dirt/dust/plaster etc, then will shellac finish before giving it a couple of coats of tung oil. Depending on how this looks I will leave it at that or at most give it a third coat.
24th May 2013, 12:29 PM
I have to admit this is starting very much to feel like a personal wood workers blog rather than just a thread asking for some help/advice or guidance, let alone perhaps feedback that I doing ok :2tsup:. But anyway, to continue this journey, over the week, since I last posted comment on the latest table restoration project, I have managed to re-polish all the legs and side rails but I am yet to cut them back and/or wax them up.
Now regarding the top, and how to deal with the various cracks, I discussed this with my builder and fellow antiques restoring mate the other night over a cuppa, and his advice was given how difficult it seemed to be to undo the screws that perhaps an alternative option is to stabilise the cracking from below with say a strip of wood glued to the bottom and to fill in the cracks from on top with either a dark wood putty/filler or even wax stick, and thereafter continue to polish the top until I am happy with the level of shellac coating.
At this stage this is kind of making sense to me, unless anyone else has other thoughts on this ??? I also still need to strip back/revive and repair the back-board-trim and will get onto this shortly. I won't finish off the polishing of the table until all repairs are finished. No photos today but stay tuned for more progress.
24th May 2013, 12:49 PM
I have repaired a few table tops and backboards that have had splits and cracks.
Because of dirt/dust etc. getting into the cracks, they don't joint very well.
What I have done in the past, is run a bandsaw through the crack. This gets rid of any muck in the crack and makes the joint almost invisible when you glue it back up.
24th May 2013, 01:47 PM
While that makes reasonable sense, two inherant problems though spring to mind for me, firstly I havn't been able to get any of the screws holding the top in place to even remotely budge and secondly even if I could, I don't have or have access to a band saw, so cutting the top and re-gluing isn't really an option for me.
Hence the other ideas I had mooted seemed the only choices I had open to me. If I could get the top off, then cleaning out the cracking, regluing and using clamps makes complete sense is definitely practical for me. I will have another try and getting the screws to loosen up, but if I can't filling the cracks with some sort of filler seems the only option I can think of. Thanks though for the suggestion.
27th May 2013, 10:47 AM
I managed to finish off the table over the weekend. I ended up choosing to simply fill the cracks with cedar coloured putty and apply many coats of shellac, cutting back in between. The overall finish of the table in my mind has come up really well. I am glad I didn't need to strip off the original polish from the side rails or legs and was able simply to revive by cutting back with 0000 steel wool and apply a few coats of shellac. Waxing off is always such a rewarding stage for all the effort that has gone into such projects.
Now for the back board repairs. Once this has been sorted it will be yet another project completed.
(Message to Neil our beloved benevolant moderator. I can't seem to add photos ?? and I am not trying to do anything different from how I have managed to upload them previously grrr. I would have liked to show the finished results.)
28th May 2013, 01:04 PM
Waxing off is always such a rewarding stage for all the effort that has gone into such projects.
:U:U:U Well done Dave...I've had pressure from a few people to get on with a project or two!!! I do miss the waxing off stage...sort of a celebration of effort!!
How did you go with the pics issue??
28th May 2013, 05:05 PM
Hi Lawry, thanks for yes you are totally correct, the waxing off and buffing stage is where the project totally comes to life and you get to feel rewarded for all the effort that has gone into the project you have been working on. I suspect I am probably not going to get anything more done on completition of the table until next week as I am out tonight and tomorrow night and thereafter off to Sydney for 4 days.
Might be nice to give my arms and fingers a rest from all the recent work.
Re the photos, I was going to say no I have had absolutely no luck at all. :no: I previously tried re-sizing down the photos from my Iphone, via email and upload via the manage attachments process. But it didn't work. In answering your comments, this time though it did. Go figure ??? Phew ! :2tsup:
For sure mate, hope you too have some projects to get on with. Myself, I am wondering what next. I do have a fairly large kauri pine table which needs a total restoration (it is broken in pieces, painted etc.) but I might leave that one for the moment. Possibly more house renno/restoration work instead to keep me busy for a while.
22nd June 2013, 06:40 PM
Sorry all it has been a little too long since I last posted anything, I kind of got busy once again with other things, including playing heaps of Real Tennis (last weekend managed to get to the final of the Tas Open Doubles B grade but ended up loosing) and this week down here in Hobart we have had the Dark MOFO festival to which I have managed to get along to a variety of events. Its been brilliant.
Anyway now back to the large mahogany hall/side table. Given I had finished this apart from the back board, I figured it was time I finally got on and finished this off. First off, was cleaning it back to get rid of the old polish which was damaged and too far gone to re-juvenate. Having stripped this, today I first off glued the split sections and filled the residual cracks. After which I sanded back and thereafter applied the first 3-4 coats of shellac. The surprise I found when cleaning off the old polish was the evidence of a previous repair made to the back board. This having been done quite well.
It now needs to cure overnight and thereafter I can get on and cut it back using 400 grade paper, and from there many more coats of shellac. All going well I will finish this stage of the project, then re-attach to the table and yet another project will have been completed. Am looking forward to this.
I think my next project will be a large cedar box which I have been using as a coffee table for many years, which needs a new bottom to be put in it, as well as a plinth and repairs made to the lid, as well as glueing up the dove tail joints which are quite loose. It also will need a complete re-polish as I had only ever done a very quick cursory polish on it previously. More on this a bit later.
I will post some pics of the table finished off next week when back at work.
24th June 2013, 05:48 PM
Dave, looking forward o he pics. I'm particularly keen to see the before/ after repair job, and the detail of the old repairs. Cheers, L
25th June 2013, 01:57 PM
Hi Lawry, well I will do my best to load up photos of the repairs that have been done to the back board section, and especially the finished result as yes this table is now finished.
Well all barring one little minor issue, which at this point in time I have no idea how to sort out. The photo will be self explanatory, but what I need is somehow to either find or alternatively make a small piece of curved mahogany vaneer, as there is a small missing section from the RHS end of the table edge. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I will investigate my timber collection to see if I may have anything suitable, since affixing it to the table edge and polishing this would be simple. I just need a piece to fill in the section.
The good thing is that the other half liked very much my efforts in restoring her table. So at least I got that much right.
Shortly I think time to start my next project. Stay tuned.
OK time for pictures.
The pics show the repair section, first off in its raw stage and the second one, with some putty used to fill in the residual gaps and after the first coat of shellac.
Next lot of photos show the backboard repaired (and polished) and re-installed on the completed table.
25th June 2013, 02:14 PM
A couple more of the finished table.
25th June 2013, 02:29 PM
Looks beautiful Dave. Nothing beats the look of freshly shellaced timber I reckon!!! Can't see where the missing piece is though, unless I'm missing something myself?? L
25th June 2013, 05:51 PM
Thanks Lawry, your compliments are appreciated. I agree, for I am really happy with how well the table has come up, especially if you go back and look at how sad it was. I look forward to seeing this in the hallway at the country property in due course, as it should look perfect there.
Re the missing bit of timber, if you go back to the previous page and look at the second lot of photos I posted (in the first picture), on the side of the table top near where it meets the back board, that is the section of vaneer which is missing. The table came like this. As I mentioned if I can come up with a solution to fill this section in, it won't be a problem to tidy up the colour/polish of this.
I do know what you mean re the look and feel of a nicely restored piece, having said that I was out at an antique shop here in Richmond yesterday and they had some really superb/original pieces dating back to the 1830s and 40s, well loved, well used, and well polished over the years. In terms of appearance and feel these truely were amazing. Now how can I find some spare $$ to be able to obtain a really nice early colonial piece, (chest of drawers, table or whatever). Hmn sell some stuff I think. I do have quite a lot of antique furniture afterall, and downsizing in quantity but upgrading in quality is most enticing.
3 toed sloth
25th June 2013, 06:43 PM
Beautiful result on the hall table HC, that really has come up well. :2tsup:
I like your idea of restoring a classic old colonial piece, with an accompanying WIP of course. That would be a great thread for us forumites to follow:)
27th June 2013, 02:39 PM
Yeah thanks for that :2tsup::U:D, I too am pretty pleased with the final result. Don't worry, I have quite a few more projects that need restoring, from pretty straight forward paint stripping and re-polishing to full blown re-construction projects. Oh and then there is the country house, but that is kind of a very large piece of furniture !!! and involves a little more than just woody restoration skills.
I kind of have this feeling now that the thread has cracked the 10,000 views mark that it has kind of become my own blog. I just hope that Neil doesn't mind or any others that I am using this as such.
It seems to be easier to continue with the one thread on restoration projects I am working on then starting new threads for each project. If anyone has a problem with me doing this, don't hesitate to say so.
27th June 2013, 02:51 PM
Bugger! Dave, you've beaten my record...I thought my old thread on the desk was monumental......6509 views and 115 posts over 8 pages in less than 2 months!! Well, I guess that means there are folks out thee appreciating the read and the info..I know I do specially with your work mate!!:B
27th June 2013, 03:43 PM
Heh heh Lawry I do know what you mean re your desk thread. I too thought that one was a superb effort !! :2tsup::2tsup:, one difference perhaps here, being this thread is now over a year old, and has covered a number of projects, yours in a way is even more impressive :D
I am glad people seem to be enjoying what I have been talking of and the pictures etc, plus other people's comments, such as your own, who have posted on this thread. It is good to have an interactive forum on our hobby/interests.
Thanks also for the kind words, I am just an amature antiques restorer with some basic skills and experience. I do know there are others out there far more experienced than me.
ok, so as mentioned previously I think it might be time to tackle the cedar ("coffee table") box, as it is crying out for some love and attention. I will take some beforehand photos tonight and post tomorrow to show what is needed to be done to restore this one, as it does need some work !
28th June 2013, 03:34 PM
So time for the next project. First off, I rescued the box from around the corner of the couch in my lounge room and took all the books, magaines off it that have been sitting on top of it for the past few years. I took a number of photos to show its current condition. The box was bought, as yet again another project of Gordon Brown (Collectors) quite a number of years ago.
First off the lid was flipped due to it having previously been painted and the difficulties obviously in getting all of the paint which had soaked into the grain off. The lid is also split in quite a number of places. To hold it all together it has some pieces of wood that have been nailed to the bottom (originally the top). The top (preciously underside is actually in much cleaner condition, and had some polishing previously done to it.
It also has some lovely old hinges. The box also has a lock which would have secured the lid. However, as it is, the lid is loose and doesn't sit too well, on account of having been flipped. The sides are in mostly good (nicely worn) condition with no evidence of paint, ditto the ends of the box. On one end is an original handle but on the other a mismatched (repro) handle which is slightly smaller.
The bottom as I previously mentioned had hard wood tongue and groove floor boards nailed to the box, and these will have to go as they are nothing special. There is a small missing section (triangle shape) on the bottom of one of the sides of the box which will need to be replaced. Also there is evidence the box (unpolished area) originally had a plinth, which is now missing. Most likely this too would have been in cedar, so that will be interesting to see what I can come up with to replace this.
The whole box will need to be shellac polished but that can wait until it is all completely sorted out. The dovetail joints were completely loose for 3 sides of the box which made it easy to strip down to components. However one set of dovetails which joins a side to an end was in perfect condition (tight/firm) and so I have decided not to try to upset this joint. I will need to clean out each of the dovetails so that I have a good working surface when the time comes to glue it all back together and I will certainly be trying out hide glue for this project.
I am not sure at this stage what to use for the bottom of the box and will have to check my timber supplies, at least though I know I have a piece of cedar to replace the small missing section. So where to start. I think first off I will work on the ends and sides and get them all cleaned up ready for re-construction. The base won't be a problem fitting, and neither will a plinth once I find some suitable sized cedar to make this up from. The lid, however, is going to be the difficult part of this project to sort out. I am almost of the view that if I had a suitable sized piece of cedar, I could be tempted to simply replace the top. Will just have to see how this all works out.
So time for some photos to explain what I am referring to above in my description. Any comments, advice etc will be most welcomed.
28th June 2013, 04:31 PM
The next series of photos will show the box deconstructed, hopefully you will get the idea of the various issues I will need to deal with in restoring this piece. :doh:. But as ever, I am sure it will come up :2tsup:
1st July 2013, 09:10 PM
I managed to get a bit of a start on the box over the weekend, but coming down with the flu seems to have sapped my energy today (given I was too sick to go to work). I figured I might as well start off with an easy part of the project by working on one of the ends of the box, not the one attached to a side piece.
First off was cleaning out the dirt, residual old glue in between each of the dovetails to ensure that when I put it back together and can glue it, means that the glue will take hold. Thankfully all the dovetails were in excellent condition. I found the construction technique quite interesting as per the dovetails, but then again I have never tried making dovetails. It is kind of hard to describe, and maybe the photos I have taken will show what I mean.
Once this was sorted out at each end, and the handle removed, it was time to sand back the end using 240 and 400 grade papers, and thereafter apply shellac, first off by brushing on and thereafter padding it on. Now traditionally the inside or undersides of much if not most antiques is never finished, but it is my box and given I want the inside to be as clean as possible and useful I figured I might as well tidy it up on the inside so, I treated the inside to the same treatment as to the outside. The only real difference though is that the outside will have more shine as the level of shellac coating on the outside is far greater. I managed to finish coating this part of the box. The outside having had up to 9 coats so far.
I will probably need to given the outside at least one more coat but will leave this until after the box has been put back together and glued. The reason being is that in glueing the parts back together is that some glue is likely to be squeezed out. Even though I will wipe away any excess it could possibly damage the shellac finish.
Next off the long side piece needs the same treatment, and thereafter I will have to try the two joined side section.
If I am well enough to go to work tomorrow I will post some pictures. Otherwise perhaps Wednesday. Stay tuned. :U
2nd July 2013, 02:05 PM
Now traditionally the inside or undersides of much if not most antiques is never finished, but it is my box and given I want the inside to be as clean as possible and useful I figured I might as well tidy it up on the inside so, I treated the inside to the same treatment as to the outside. The only real difference though is that the outside will have more shine as the level of shellac coating on the outside is far greater. I managed to finish coating this part of the box. The outside having had up to 9 coats so far.
Just a bit of perfectionistic tendency here Dave???:q
Get well quick mate so we can see progress (says me who is doing no restoring at the moment!!) Lawry
2nd July 2013, 04:08 PM
Yup 'fraid so Lawry :D I have been known for this on occasions.
Damn flu sure has taken its hold on me today, it feels like my nose/head is very much like how it is outside....raining cats and dogs !! :rain2: No progress today as seem to have run out of sandpaper and metho, have no idea how this could occur. :doh: Oh well, even if you don't have any projects on the go at the moment, I hope you are enjoying mine. I am actually looking forward to how the box comes up as it is one that has been bugging me for quite some time given its sad condition, as it lurked in the corner of the lounge room covered in stuff. But hopefully soonish its time will come to shine. Photos will be posted once I can.
3 toed sloth
2nd July 2013, 04:58 PM
Looks like a good challenge HC. Is that top made from a single board?
4th July 2013, 12:01 AM
That it will be and even some woodwork construction repairs this time, so will be good to challenge my skills with this. The lid was originally one piece of cedar but over the years has essentially split in half, with a small thin wedge section in the middle. Both sides also have major splitting.
The problem I have will be whether or not I can repair the top, and if so which side to use as the top. The alternative being to make up a new top but finding a decent piece of cedar which could serve as a lid for the box might be a little hard. I certainly don't currently have anything this big to do the job. The current lid dimensions are 93 x 47x15cm.
If anyone reading this might know of any cedar suitable to replace the top then please PM me as I would be interested, it sure would make life easier. Otherwise I will simply have to persevere with the current lid and repair as well as possible.
5th July 2013, 02:07 PM
Ah good, I can get onto the forum today, I tried yesterday but for some reason, the forum wouldn't open up. :? Oh that is sad, no offers of cedar to help me out, oh well I have put it out there in case anyone might be able to. It would be going to a good use.
Ok, time to try to post some more pictures of the work being done. First up the end plate for the box, cleaned up and coated with shellac. Unfortunately the final photo I took of the outside with many coats of shellac didn't work (blurred and too bright). I will have to take some more this weekend, especially as I get onto the first of the sides of the box.
The first 3 photos show the outside and the last pic, is the inside "clean up" and coated with shellac.
9th July 2013, 02:30 PM
I must admit no further progress todate beyond my last post on the box's restoration. Kind of have been busy with many other things.
But I have managed to repair two small cedar hall tables I have. Both needed their tops re-polished (hardly restoration work) due to scratches by cats. Grrr the bain of antique owners, as much as I love my cats to bits I just wish they would keep their claws in or better still not jump up on my furniture. And that happens even with covers over the tables.
Anyway all is good now. No photos as I hadn't thought they really warranted being posted. Will get back onto the box shortly.
9th July 2013, 04:50 PM
Eagerly awaiting the artisan fruits!!
16th July 2013, 10:23 AM
I have to admit not a lot of artisan fruits to report back on Lawry, so far. I did manage finally to get out to the country property on Sunday, do a little work out there on polishing skirtings and architraves in the hallway, but on leaving also found the piece of cedar I had in mind for the base plinth for the box and a piece of wood to fill in the small missing section on one of the sides.
I got around to heat gunning back the paint off last night and next off need to clean up the residual muck left behind. I also have started off cleaning back/sanding lightly one of the sides for the box and all going well will crack on with that tonight after dinner. If I can manage it, I will give this also some shellac coating and take some more progress pictures.
The piece of cedar I will use for the plinth is wide enough to cut in half, but before I start cutting this up, including mitre-ing the ends to meet up, I do need to take some good measurements. I need to get this right as I don't have much spare to muck it up. Anyway, hopefully more progress to report on shortly.
17th July 2013, 02:44 PM
Right time today for a quick update. I managed to get a little work donelast night in sanding back the internal face of one of the sides of the box and thereafter giving it, its first 3-4 coats of shellac. I have to admit I really love seeing the colour of the cedar come back to life. I also (as seen in one of the photos), also needed to do a small repair to one of the dovetail joints as a section came away when I was cleaning it up. A quick glue and clamp for a few hours sorted that out.
I will also include a photo of the first part (end piece) of the box that I previously worked on which is finished until after re-construction, where upon I will give it probably another one or two coats of shellac. But you will see the colour and grain that now looks as it should.
I also did a little work on sanding and shellacing a small piece of timber (was a skirting) which I will cut and use for the repair of the missing section on the other side piece of the box, as per the previous photo. Shouldn't be too difficult to do this, measure, cut, glue and clamp. Thereafter I might as well put a screw or two in to make certain it holds. Any screw holes will be covered over so as not to be visible.
In the second photo you can see the piece of cedar which I will clean up and cut down to size to use for the base plinth. This shouldn't really present any real problems. Paint stripper, steel wool and a little more sandpaper picked up at lunchtime today from Mitre 10 to enable work to continue as I can. Plenty more of that yet.
18th July 2013, 11:06 AM
Looking good Dave! (By the way, is ANYONE else looking at this thread?? It seems to be a bit like the Two Ronnies definition of person talking to themselves..Dialogue = 2 people talking to themselves!!:U)
Do you foresee any issues with your skirting 'graft' grain/ tone not matching the rest of the cedar? Hopefully not.
Also, what glue have you use on the dovetail repir, as I would imagine it ought to be fairly strong? Lawry
18th July 2013, 03:15 PM
Hi Lawry, believe me I am really glad that you and one or two others have provided me with both feedback and a sounding board, since at times I must admit it does kind of feel like I am talking to myself, and you know what they say about that in the index of increasing madness. I think it comes just after looking for hairs on the palm of your hands :D :no: !!
Anyway someone else must be since given the number of views this thread is getting, I know this much it isnt just me or yourself looking, I can re-assure you my head isn't that big !!!
Regarding the skirting/plinth and or the other repair piece of timber, truthfully I really don't know. Only time will tell as I finish off cleaning the timber up and cutting it to size. Hopefully it will match ok, if not, it will be back to the drawing board of timber supplies to find alternative pieces to use. Don't worry I am not going to install them without checking first. A dry run to see how it all looks.
In terms of glue, as so far all I needed to do was a really small repair to one of the dovetail sections, I simply used a Selly's professional woodwork glue. However, as mentioned when it comes to put the box together, I am to be using hide glue. The forum member (can't recall his name off the top of my head), used this in repairing his cedar chair and he provided the contact details on where to get this. His recommendation was that it is brilliant for repairing antique furniture. So it sounds like a plan to me. First off though I still have much cleaning up to do and preparation work before I am ready to put it back together.
Don't suppose you have any projects on the go or at least pending, mate ??
18th July 2013, 04:01 PM
Don't suppose you have any projects on the go or at least pending, mate ??
Yes, I'll accept that turn of phrase..."Pending" sounds potentially motivating!!! :B I do have a small coffee table that I have simply used Restora a finish on, but want to actually strip back and shellac to a nice lustre soon ! That, and another small pine table with some laminate/ veneer (never know the difference really) that needs to be re glued, and then the whole piece keyed back and of course..shellacked. Probably overkill on that one (cost me $10) but good practice and it will hopefully look far better than its value!! Bit of fun anyway, and good practice. I'm keen to see how you go with hide glue etc., as I do wonder if that laminate was stuck on with it (& therefore may re-adhere with some heat??) Its probably a 1940's - 60's item. Dave..I also reckon after this job, start a new thread...your 'viewed' record will be nigh impossible to beat :roll:
3 toed sloth
18th July 2013, 07:20 PM
Keep up the good work fellas, I for one am thoroughly enjoying this thread, looking forward to seeing the box in all its glory. :2tsup:
18th July 2013, 07:54 PM
Looking good....
I think there are quite a few people (beside me) reading this thread with interest....
19th July 2013, 02:24 PM
Thanks a lot guys, the positive encouragement/feedback is really nice to receive :2tsup: and yes me too, I also am looking forward to the box being completed.
I have to admit Lawry, I have wondered about whether or not perhaps to let this thread go after completion of this latest project. I certainly have no wish to hog the limelight and it is probably about time I faded away a little. Heh heh, yep pending is a great term for projects in waiting !! And it is good to know that you have such projects just waiting to be commenced. In writing and posting pictures of what I am working on, afterall I do hope it helps encourage others to do likewise. Afterall, I know for myself it keeps me out of all sorts of trouble which I am sure is peace of mind for the other half, known as (er in doors to borrow a well known phrase from Arfur Daily), ah except she surfs all her free time.
Ok, enough crap and to woody stuff. I did manage to fit in a little work last night, after going to see a movie and also in between stints in front of the telly watching the Tour de France. Go Ritchie Porte !! (he is a Tassie bike rider afterall). So, I rubbed back using 400 grade and re-coated about 3 times the backside of the side of the box, and I am happy to leave that alone now, next off will be to key back and re-polish the outside of this section.
I also started work on paint stripping back the length of cedar I will use for the plinth. I have a few photos which I will post. But I also want to take this opportunity to discuss cedar/antique re-polishing restoration in general and again provide some photos to help explain.
First off, in paint stripping cedar by hand, my experience is that it can be difficult but it really depends on probably a couple of factors. First off is the original surface, and grain of the cedar. Some cedar seems to be a little more open in its grain then others and herein lays a problem when stripping off old paint. The second thing is this, I would seriously never recommend having cedar dipped. My experience is that it will badly discolour/bleach and as well cause cracking of the timber. At least with hand stripping this will never occur. At worst you may burn the timber a little if using a heat gun to get the paint off, but this can be moderated with care and a little work afterwards if needed. In the picture of the panelled door, (it being a half glazed and lower panel door) the main frame of the door is baltic, but the two bottom panels and the mouldings are/were cedar, as well as the lower dividing panel. The panels themselves had a lot of splitting, the cedar itself was grey, one of the mouldings disintegrated hence a replacement moulding, while the centre divider also split and needed to be cedar puttied up. I bought the door as it was, as it suited my needs, it being a really lovely early colonial door, but it did cause me a lot of hard work to repair it.
In stripping back the cedar I will use for the plinth, as the photos show, paint has embedded itself within the grain making it really hard to get rid of all traces of it. The problem then becomes one of diminishing returns as to how many times you coat the timber with paint stripper and try and get rid of it using coarse grade (0) steel wool. Having said that, I have with some cedar also been lucky where all paint has come off easily, with no issues of paint having soaked into the grain. Normally with say something like baltic pine or even kauri or huon this is not a problem, apart from around knots, which requires any residual paint to be slowly teased out.
In the 3 photos of cedar planks in my home (door reveals and also hallway arch trim), in the close up picture if you look carefully you should be able to see that I couldn't completely get rid of all traces of paint, and yet in the two other sections I had no trouble at all.
It is just something to be aware of in restoring cedar furniture or joinery.
Then other thing I wished to show/talk about is the issue of when to restore a piece or not. I will post some pictures of some cedar chairs I have and a round cedar breakfast table. My view for what it is worth, is that if the original polish is in reasonable to good condition then it is best to leave alone and/or at most use a reviver polish/wax polish. On the other hand if the finish is completely dead and/or the surface is badly damaged i.e. scratched or even badly stained then perhaps it is wise to strip back and re-polish. The only risk here is that if you take it too far back or make it too perfect, it is never going to look as nice as say an original piece. Again the photos I will post show these sorts of issues.
I will get on over the weekend and hopefully make a start in cutting up the repair pieces for the box/plinth, plus more polishing of the components.
Thanks everyone for the interest.
19th July 2013, 02:40 PM
Next off the chairs and the table. The first two chairs (rail back and I am not sure what you call the second one) are both completely original and date to around the 1860s. Neither have been restored and don't need to be. That is what I mean about having patina and that they can be enjoyed as are. A simple waxing every now and again is all that is needed. The colour, the level of shine (or even lack of it doesn't detract). Even then the fabric on the second chair is probably the original material or at most has only been replaced once. I am not going to replace it, and while I do need to re-attached the loose braiding, that is all. I don't use this chair a lot and so hence it should remain fine for many years yet.
In respect of the balloon back, I bought a set of 4 from Victoria off ebay and while one of them had great colour and polish the other 3 were dull, lifeless and a dirty brown. That in itself was ok, but then my young cats (I know cats and antiques) when they were kittens and running around everywhere badly scratched this chair. The only way I figured I could repair the cedar was to strip back and re-polish. Now while it actually looks nice and feels good to the touch somehow it has lost part of its patina (the colour being light). I tend not to stain cedar and I will explain this in context of the table. I will at some stage need to get on and replace the fabric and bolster the cushion, but I will do this in one job as all 4 balloon backs require the same work done to them in this respect.
What I was saying re the table and staining is that, yes from the photo it probably looks really nice (rich colour) to most but to my eyes when close up, the finish is actually quite false, as a previous owner in restoring or having this table restored, over -restored the finish and it is quite evidently been stained too heavily. I am happy to live with this for the time being but eventually I think I probably will completely strip it back and re-polish it better, and with no stain, it has superb grain in it afterall. Mind you I only paid $26 for this table and had it delivered free to home from Melbourne so I am not complaining. It did have a broken leg when bought but I had this repaired locally and you can't tell unless you know where to look, such was the quality of the repair done.
To me antiques are meant to be used and enjoyed. I don't wish to have a museum, so damage will occur, but at least it can be repaired and they will live on well after I have left this world.
Ok, I am off my masterclass soap box and will get back to work, on the box over the weekend.
22nd July 2013, 01:45 PM
Back to the project box restoration. So given that the weather over the weekend was completely miserable, it was a good opportunity to get on with more work on this project. First off, I got on with sanding back the front face of the side of the box. Using carefully 120, 240 and 400 grade papers, and wiping/vacuming off the dust. Thereafter, as the photos will show, I shellaced using a brush for the first couple of coats. Once I had the base colour I was after, I changed over to the pad and continued to build up the coats. I cut back using 400 grade papers ever 3-4 coats, such by the time I was happy, it would have had perhaps as many as 10 coats + of shellac. At this point I put this part aside.
I then got on with the other long side of the box (the section which is still joined to the end side of the box). The photos will explain.
I first off tackled the inside as this was easier to do. Again I went through the same process as per above, except, given it is the inside, and the timber surface is more roughly finished off, I only used a brush and again as it is the inside only gave it around 6 coats, but still cutting back after the 3rd coat. I will next get on with the inside of the end part and as per above. Thereafter I need to sand back and shellac finish the outsides. I still also though need to clean up the handle, and will spray paint this matt black. If I can get the handle off this will make things easier, but if not I will need to clean up and paint insitu.
As the photos will show I still need to effect the small repair section, but a lack of any saws at home meant this was not possible to be done over the weekend. Must have all my various saws, including drop saw, circular saw etc out at the Country property.
Last off, I managed with quite a lot of paint stripping and use of coarse steel wool to clean up the section I will use for the plinth. Thereafter again a simple job to sand and shellac coat this. It too is now ready to be cut up to size.
Once all these last various jobs have been completed, I should be in a position to start re-constructing/glueing the box together. Thereafter, sort out the base (still not sure what timber to use here) and then lastly sort out the top. Hmn will leave this one for the moment. Apart from that then there is just some small jobs such as cleaning up the rusty lock-painting it, re-painting the hinges and to find a suitable escutcheon for the outside to dress it up. Lastly any small polishing repairs (if needed) and thereafter cutting back with extra fine steel wool and wax on wax off.
27th July 2013, 02:17 PM
Have no sanded back and shellac coated the inside of the end piece, as per in the last photo (when not done). Will still need another cut back and a few more coats of shellac. In the meantime, I have acquired a mitre box and mitre saw to enable me to cut the plinth piece and mitre the corners correctly. In recognising what Lawry noted re the offcut skirting timber (not being cedar) and the grain not quite matching, I found a scrap piece of cedar and have now cut and fitted up (glued and pinned) the small missing triangle section. Photos taken and to be posted next week.
Once nice and strong, I will trim the edge to match the main side board (as it was a bit of a trial and error cut to fit) but as it is the bottom of the box and the floor will cover this, when also fitted up with the plinth, one really shouldn't notice any imperfections in the fit. Next off, time to cut up the plinth pieces and finish off sanding back and shellac finishing the outsides of the box.
From there, I think probably next job will be to start putting the main 4 sides of the box back together. This is where I will need the extra strong glue, plus some large sash clamps to hold it together as the glue drys and to ensure it is all square.
29th July 2013, 11:52 AM
In recognising what Lawry noted re the offcut skirting timber (not being cedar) and the grain not quite matching, I found a scrap piece of cedar and have now cut and fitted up (glued and pinned) the small missing triangle section. Photos taken and to be posted next week.
Now I feel usefull...sort of!!:wink: Keep on going oh master shellac sensai!
29th July 2013, 02:33 PM
Hey Lawry, mate you hold me in too high an esteem, and while happy to enjoy I am not really deserving of this. I too am but a mere apprentice, still learning all the time. I am glad you pointed the errors in my original thinking out to me. :2tsup::)
So more sanding and shellac finishing of the outside of the side piece including the repair section were done last night. But to build the colour up some more, I will need to sand back both the outside sections and recoat before leaving until the final polishing stage.
I will admit my woodworking skills are fairly basic in regards to such repairs, such that after glueing and pining in the triangle piece I noted it was a little proud of the edge. Given I currently lack a proper workshop with bench and vice, it kind of makes it a little difficult cutting such repair sections by hand. Moreover, the old wood work plane I used to have was both a cheapy and totally blunt. Hence I had to very carefully chisel (with new chisels), edge to try to get it match the rest of the box. This worked ok, and while I probably could do better still, given that I will fix the bottom of the box to the box frame, any minor imperfections in the level shouldn't be a problem.
Ditto given that the repair section is lighter in colour than the main section, again given that the plinth should cover up most of this, again I am not too fussed. The main thing is that the repairs are reasonably ok, and strong.
9th August 2013, 05:23 PM
I don't actually have an update on the cedar box, as I have been away for about a week in Sydney and have only got home in the last day or so. I am also on holidays for about another week, so all going well I will get some more progress done on this project, take photos and post as I can.
However, and there is always one of these, yesterday the other half spotted a large (no read very large) 7 drawer full cedar chest of drawers out at the local auction place here in Hobart. Again I would say it is early, though possibly not quite as early as my other large full cedar chest. The funny thing is she has never liked this early chest of drawers, I am not sure if it is because of the size (which would make little sense given the size of this other chest), so perhaps it is the design (though they are quite similar), except my current one is 6 drawers, so perhaps it is the grain. My current chest is fiddleback cedar fronts, flame on the sides and top, and with cross banding. This chest is all flame cedar. I will also post a couple of pics of the 6 drawer chest for comparison sakes.
Anyway, the strange thing was in her going back to Sydney (given she lives/works there), she suggested I should go out to the auctions, especially as the reserve was only $300.
Now I should explain. The top is separated from the carcass, it is missing all its feet and part of the plinth that sits proud of the base of the chest on one side was partially missing. The good news however, is that it appeared structurally very sound, it had all of its turned original blackwood handles, even if a couple are broken, most of the original locks and escutcheons (brass) plus best of all someone has already done all the hard work in stripping it clean. It must have been painted as you can see just the faintest traces of paint in a couple of areas. I have no idea how it was stripped, (possibly by hand - major hard work), it definitely hasn't been sanded using an orbital/circular electric sander, so possibly it was dipped as there was a lot of paint residue dust inside the drawers and the carcass. But normally dipping cedar from my experience is a huge no no :no:
The long and the short of it is that it followed me home, having bought it for $340 plus buyers premium and a mate (antique dealer who I know and have bought quite a lot of furniture from) was able to deliver it to my home for free. Huge bonus as given its size/weight there was no way I could have done this by myself or in my relatively moderate size Alfa 156 wagon.
So I have cleaned up the carcass, had a look at the base underneath to see what I will need to do and taken some photos, which I will post later. I will need to repair a section of the base where the feet normally would sit in, I have cedar for this so that shouldn't be too much of a problem to sort out and I am going to need to find some feet (repros would be ok, but nicer if I could find some original type suitable for the chest). I also will need to replace two of the drawer handles (hopefully I can get someone to turn a couple up in blackwood, especially as I still need these for my other large cedar chest) and a couple of brass escutcheons. Apart from that, basically it needs a tidy up sanding and then my favourite part, shellac finishing with a wax polish at the end. I am certain this chest is going to look fantastic and at a fraction of the cost (about 1/6th) of what my other one cost.
What will I do in the end with two very large cedar chests, hmn not sure, but I suspect I am going likely be required to sell one. But that can wait for the moment.
I know, as if I really needed another large "project" :doh:. But I am afraid I couldn't resist and especially when given the green light by the other half. Now if only she could understand my need (no desire) for more classic Alfa Romeos !! Not bloody likely I hear her say, all the way from Sydney. Anyway, as I can between everything else I will make a start on this project and take photos and post, here on this thread, or alternatively perhaps start a new one, given how long this thread has become. People might be getting bored or perhaps sick of me posting such stuff. Hopefully not and it is of continued interest to some.
10th August 2013, 01:45 PM
Sounds like you got a nice chest at a great price now we need pics please
Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 2
10th August 2013, 07:18 PM
Thanks I think it is and with some hard graft it will come up really nicely. If you go to Gowans Auctions website and look at past auctions, (held yesterday) and look at items listed with pictures, there is a photo of the chest (item 0291). It shows the front of the chest. As soon as I can I will load up pictures of this project for sure.
So far today I have continued to work on the top. It now has had around 9 coats of shellac, with two cutbacks. I am now going to leave this to harden overnight and all going well tomorrow I will cut it back again with 0000 grade steel wool and apply another 3-4 coats of shellac. At that point I think I will have applied sufficient and will leave it to harden. I will only cut it back and wax once I have reattached the top to the chest carcass, but I will need to find some large screws to re-attach from underneath as this is how it needs to be fixed. The screw holes are all there and access wont be an issue.
So next off will be probably to start work on restoring all the drawers and thereafter sort out the chest carcass. This project will take a little time simply because of the size of it. Plus I do have the box to finish, let alone plenty of other stuff. But I will post progress as it happens.
16th August 2013, 01:08 PM
Dave, I have had a significant trade restriction placed on me by SWMBO until such time as I prove myself further with existing projects -in-waiting!!! What is it that she just doesn't not comprehend????? And tomorrow is the Ipswich Antiques & Collectibles Fair!!!!!! I will feel like a eunich among the harem!! :C:~:(
17th August 2013, 04:41 PM
Dave, I have had a significant trade restriction placed on me by SWMBO until such time as I prove myself further with existing projects -in-waiting!!! What is it that she just doesn't not comprehend????? And tomorrow is the Ipswich Antiques & Collectibles Fair!!!!!! I will feel like a eunich among the harem!! :C:~:(
I really enjoy your posts Lawry, they put a smile on the dial :D. You poor bugger the missus is quashing the purchase of more projects on the pre-text that you havn't completed what you have already. What about your fab English Oak desk or the Piano stool. They must count. Man I would hate to have such an embargo placed on me. Hmn, well I kind of have this, inasmuch as I am fast running out of space, time and I have to also say my fingers/hands have taken a beating over the past couple of weeks while on leave. Afterall there is only so much working on projects, as well as renovations that the body can handle.
As I previously mentioned I really hadn't intended on buying the large cedar chest, given I already have one, but when the other half said she really liked it, and she knows from past experience what I can do, I kind of had the green light. And then when only one other bidder spoke up and offered $10 more than the original reserve, I have to admit I did think bugger it, I can't let it go that cheaply. Afterall, I do know what it will be worth once finished. So that is kind of why it followed me home.
Now while I havn't done any more work on the box apart from finding some cedar planks I remembered I had, which need cleaning up and cutting to size, I have done a little more work on the chest. 2 drawers have been completed, and I have made some structural repairs (gluing/pining) a section that was broken on another drawer, plus replaced a runner with a fine strip of cedar. So next off is a light sanding and I can start to shellac polish the third drawer. The top is finished (apart from cutting back and polishing) but if I can find the screws I need I will get this sorted and re-fit to the chest. So some small progress.
I am back at work on Monday, so will load up some images of all of this.
Now mate, I do hope that you managed to get along to the antiques fair, afterall even if not buying surely you could always justify it to SWMBO on the grounds of Research. And I can't see that as not being perfectly reasonable. That is unless she has other plans for your Saturday such as mowing the lawns etc !!
22nd August 2013, 12:56 PM
The set of photographs posted below, show the chest as obtained and delivered home, and as a work in progress. I have now completed repairs (cracked/split sections), missing runners etc and repolished the 4 top drawers and the top. Next off will be the 3 large main drawers and thereafter I will need, somehow to get the chest into my "workshop" so that I can tackle the repairs to the underneath to enable me to fit up the feet, once I have also figured out what to use for this. You can see on the photo of the underside that there is a section of timber which has rotted out, which I will need to replace. As this also forms a part of the base plinth, I will need to shape this on the outer edge, plus drill a hole for the dowel section of the foot to attach to the chest.
25th August 2013, 08:43 PM
Very nice !
Luckily I don't have the trade restrictions, it is more like she who brings me the items !!!
And then adds:- "shouldn't take you too long to get a bit of life into it"
Thinking 10 minutes is all it takes............ I wish...
27th August 2013, 11:30 AM
Very nice !
Luckily I don't have the trade restrictions, it is more like she who brings me the items !!!
And then adds:- "shouldn't take you too long to get a bit of life into it"
Thinking 10 minutes is all it takes............ I wish...
Geoff there any such thing as a free lunch??:U I do have some comeback with swmbo as she is developing an interest in collecting some form of beswick figurines....6 so far! Much to her dislike I call them M1 M2 M3 etc. (M standing for Mortgage!) So....I figure the tally is pretty even! However, the Ipswich antique fair deliveed a zero cost other than our travels.....not much in thye way of things wooden, and I have little interest in china figurines! (other than rejuvenating a beautiful table or two for them to sit on!!) the look of your new project.. I can almost smell that lovely old timber scent just looking at the pics. :)
27th August 2013, 12:23 PM
Nice looking chest you have there. I love the color.
28th August 2013, 12:33 AM
Thanks guys, I will post some more pics as I get some more completed. I am still working on the first of the large drawers. Am nearly finished, should have it completed in the next day or so. The colour and grain is coming through really nice and yes Lawry it sure has some lovely old timber scent :D. Actually, once finished it should have that great bees wax finish odour.
Geoff, yes I know what you mean re the 10 mins to finish something, my other half has some similar kinds of thoughts when it comes to restoration of our country house. Funny that as it has taken us the past 6 years to get it to where it is and there is still plenty more to be done yet !!
29th August 2013, 11:53 PM
Finished and fitted up the first of the three large lower drawers. I must say I am really happy with the colour, finish and grain. Pictures below. So onwards with the next drawer. I will need to make a small repair to one of the sides as there is a small split but it should only be a simple glue and clamp job.
5th September 2013, 10:55 PM
Am working on the last of drawers, not too long now and it will be finished. Then for the chest carcass. Will be good to see this all come together.
All going well I will get the last drawer finished over the weekend and have made a start on the chest. More photos to come but perhaps not until early next week.
9th September 2013, 10:52 AM
As mentioned last time I noted I intended on getting the last of the drawers finished. So now having got this completed the next stage is to start getting on with restoring the chest itself. First off I needed to make a repair to the base plinth, which had a section broken out of it on the front face. Luckily I had the missing section so all it needed was a light cleaning up, and then reglue and pin back into place. This done, I can now make a start on sanding back lightly all the front face sections and start polishing this up. This will be this week's project, thereafter the sides and finally repairs to the bottom and sorting out the feet.
Don't worry I havn't forgotten about the cedar box it is just that I need to get the clamps and some other things and just havn't managed the time to get organised on these things. The box's restoration will continue when possible.
Now for the latest photos of the chest drawers finished and re-installed.
25th September 2013, 12:49 PM
Ok, so I know I have been a little absent for a while. First off had a trip to Sydney and thereafter been busy with other matters, including our car club hillclimb last weekend, but just to re-assure a little more progress has been done on the chest in the interim. No photos though as nothing all that startling to show. First off I have given the front face of the chest a sanding back, as this was needed. The faces were a little rough due to drawers having been taken in and out of the chest over its lifetime and while I don't (and havn't) lost the evidence of this wear, I just needed to face it off lightly given it was a little too rough. That completed I also needed to reglue and pin the cedar veneer strips on the verticals (each side of the chest face) even though it is solid cedar has a fine strip of cedar veneer. On my other chest this is done in cross banding, but on this chest it is just normal cedar. Don't ask me why they would have done this but anyway that is how it is made.
From there I was able to apply the base coats of shellac until I ran out, and given it was too late in the day to get some more metho to make up a brew I have had to leave it. I will get onto completing this part of the restoration shortly. However, also in the interim my brother in law has chased around some antique furniture restorers to find someone to make up a set (turn) of "new" bun feet out of cedar. Once made, with dowels these can then be installed onto the chest. The cost for the turning of feet, about 2/3rds of what it cost to buy the chest but given that the generic ones that are available in "restoration" shops here in Hobart are at best very average and also more Victorian rather than Colonial in style, there really is no other option. Waiting until a set of 4 correct design/proportion feet might come available is just not really practical.
In the meantime, I do need to get on with the other repairs to the base, including installing a new section of cedar for the base plinth as well as making up 4 cedar blocks for the feet to marry up with. So I need to raid my cedar supplies out at the country place for these jobs. The other thing I will need to do is a couple of small repairs to the RHS of the chest at the base where there is both a small broken area which hasn't been repaired well and a small missing piece of cedar. Luckily I have some cedar at home for the missing section and so just need to cut to size and glue in. Once these repairs are completed (and yes I will take photos of all this work), I can also get on with sanding back and shellac finishing this side.
Will post again soon when I have more to talk about and show.
1st October 2013, 01:04 AM
Once again it has been a while but life just keeps on getting in the way. Had to do some minor repairs/rennovation work on my home over the weekend so no time for the chest restoration. I had my builder undertake some repairs to the early 6 glass panelled Sash windows in my bathroom, among a range of other repairs. Sadly water had got into the windows and caused some rot. All fixed now and mostly all re-painted. But like all such minor repairs I encountered a level of rennovation creep, the window ledges inside needed to be re-polished, given 11 years of use and wear. But as ever they came up really nice.
Given tonight telly is looking pretty rubbish, I managed to put in a decent hour or so, sanding back and re-shellacing the front face of the drawer edges of the chest. I kept on going until I had built up a decent level, probably put on around 6-10 coats, and then cut back with 0000 steel wool and waxed polished it up. Was really pleased at how this came up. I have taken a couple of photos with the drawers out of the chest and re-installed to show how it all looks now. So that has the front of the chest completed.
Next for the sides of the chest and thereafter repairs to the base including cutting blocks and drill the holes to allow for the feet to be mounted, once received from the furniture restorer who is turning the feet up for me. Will post photos of the feet once I get them.
1st October 2013, 09:54 AM
Am happy with this.:2tsup: Now for the sides.... woo hoo getting closer to another project finish.
4th October 2013, 01:32 PM
Given it was time to get on with some repairs to the RHS. let alone base and repolish, and as nothing much was on the box last night I got stuck in. I will post photos which shows what I had to do. First off, I needed to square off the base plinth section as this had rotted away partially and remove some old nails. You can see that at some point in the past the bottom of the chest or at least this side has been affected by dampness but regardless of that it still in reasonable condition to work with. I will need to find a suitable piece of cedar and shape to match the rest of the RHS base plinth but that shouldn't be too hard.
The base plinth is also important as in each of the four corners I am going to need to cut and fit some 100x100x20 mm cedar blocks (drilled) to enable the feet, once received to be fitted up to. More on this later.
Next off, there were two small repair sections I needed to work on. Firstly a small section of cedar had previously obviously broken away from the side of the chest and glued back in but very poorly such that it was proud of the surface. Luckily the repair was so poorly executed that I was able to lever the broken section away without damaging it, and thereafter with chisel was able to scrape away the excess glue (acquadere) and a little wood to enable the section to be re-fitted correctly. Once I was satisfied it was a simple re-glue and pin job and allowed to dry/harden. Next off I needed to cut/shape and fit a small square of missing cedar from the side, next to the other repair.
Cutting it was a little tricky as I don't have a vice to enable me to be able cut pieces precisely but I managed anyway. Looking at this repair I know I am going to need to do some slight work on this as it is a little proud of the edge/surface, but overall it should be fine. Again I glued and pined this piece also in. There are some small areas of missing wood and a few small cracks. To ensure this all looks good I will fill with cedar putty and use a little cedar stain to blend the repairs in. I will do that tonight/over the weekend.
Once I had sorted these repairs out, it was the usual thing, sanding the side back using 180, 240 and 400 papers, dusting off and then padding on around 5 coats of shellac and left to dry overnight. Again, either tonight and/or over the weekend I will continue with this polishing stage with the aim all going well of having this completed by the end of the weekend or at most early next week.
Thereafter I need to re-polish the LHS of the chest. Once these two stages are complete the final polishing job will be to the block edges and feet. So the light at the end of the tunnel for this project is certainly close. What I do with the chest once finished I am not sure, as it is far too large for home (hence I am doing the final jobs in my lounge room as dragging it down to the "workshop room" by myself was not possible). I must admit doing these final stages on the project in my loungeroom with furniture, hi fi and antique rugs is not something I would recommend to anyone. :no:
So now for the photos.
15th October 2013, 12:52 PM
How time, work and other matters keep on getting in the way of completing this stage of the project. So having just returned from Sydney after a weekend away, I managed to do a little more work on the RHS of the chest. I fine sanded the side, using 400 grade with sanding block as for such flat surfaces I really don't want to either sand or finish this with imperfections due to pressure and/or uneven padding of shellac. Once satisfied I had the surface I wanted, which also included some harder sanding of the small repair section on the bottom corner, I stained this using some cedar stain and shellac. I ended up coating this side with about another 5 coats of shellac.
Looking at it, overall I am happy that the surface is nearly ready for steel wool and wax on wax off, but as I had to sand hard on the repair area, and try to colour match it, I am not satisfied I have blended it well enough yet. So I will give this side of the chest another cut back and again stain with cedar and work this area some more to blend it in. At least the other repair section now looks pretty good and the surface is flat, unlike when I first started work on this side of the chest.
I still also need to replace the base plinth section plus cut and fit cedar blocks for the feet to sit on, speaking of which I also havn't yet received the feet. Hopefully soon. So a couple more photos to show this next phase in polishing this side but with more work and photos to show the completed works in due course.
21st October 2013, 03:51 PM
Over the weekend I managed to get some more completed, with the final polishing/waxing off the RHS and sanding back and shellac finishing of the LHS. I now need to get some more 0000 grade steel wool to give the LHS a final cutback and thereafter polish it.
All going well, I am told I should have the feet by the end of this week, and so it will be a push on to the final stages of this project. More photos and notes to come as I can.
Is anyone else having trouble loading photos, (hint hint Neil), as both yesterday and today it has been impossible. I even tried shrinking the photo and it still won't work. Loading photos on to this site remains my number one gripe !! :((, it is always painful and involves multiple attempts at editing, shutting down, reloading etc and mostly eventually it works.
24th October 2013, 04:43 PM
It being a public holiday here today in Hobart (show day) and it always rains, why not get on today and finish off the LHS I figured. Anyway thankfully it didn't take too long and soon I was buffing off the bees wax. I always enjoy this stage as it means that all the previous hard work is paying off and I get to see the grain and colour of the timber shining through. I also really enjoy how it feels to one's fingers after it has been buffed.
So, not too much more and this large project will be finished and I can then put some time and energy back into finishing off the cedar box. I havn't forgotten about it, it is just that the chest being so large demanded my time and that way I can thereafter get it out of my lounge. Not sure where I will put it yet. Or at the worst case I will have to sell it.
Still, given the price I bought it for and while I will have spent say perhaps around $280 in materials and having the feet turned up, overall the total cost at less than $600 is still very reasonable for the size, condition and age of the piece. Of course in that equation I am not counting my time, which if I had to would mean my total investment in it would be say around $1100. But even if you did, I would't sell it for anything less than $2K and on a good day it possibly could fetch a little more. However, that wasn't the point of the exercise. I have enjoyed bringing this piece of Australian colonial furniture back to life so that it can be enjoyed for hopefully at least the next 100 years or more.
Anyway enough of the self congratulations, now for the photos, one of which I previously tried to post from my desktop at work, and then the 3 photos I have taken following completion of the LHS. Thankfully posting from home via my Mac laptop seems to work. Strange. Hope you all like.
30th October 2013, 01:08 PM
So I managed to collect the feet for the chest yesterday. Am really happy with them. The woodturner has done a really superb job with the design/finish in their raw state. The design is based off the feet from a similar age chest of drawers which belongs to my brother in law. Each foot inc dowel was turned from a block of cedar. Oh and also good was that the price I needed to pay was $20 less than quoted. :D
To give you all an idea on the size of the chest and also feet, hence the issue of proportion being important I should explain. The chest dimensions are 130 cm (L) x 138cm (H) x 58cm. The top is an extra 6cm in length. Hence the feet dimensions are 13.5cm (L) x 10cm (diameter) at the widest.
Next off I will need to start experimenting with colour matching of the feet to the chest. Hence I am going to need to check out some different stains before I can apply and shellac finish. The other thing I really need to get on with is collecting some cedar I need for the mounting blocks the small repair section to complete and get this all attached to the base of the chest. This also includes drilling the holes for the dowel section of the feet to be mounted through. A brace and bit job as I don't have any drill bits of the sort of diameter required.
It is good to be gettting to the final stages of this restoration project.