View Full Version : Red Lacquer
18th May 2012, 09:23 PM
Where would you buy red lacquer from?
19th May 2012, 10:50 AM
Not sure about a true red lacquer, but you can tint oil based polyurethane with prooftint which may give the finish you're after. You can mix in up to 10% which gives bold colour.
19th May 2012, 11:21 AM
Thanks Stuart, at the moment I'm steering towards a red tinted shellac instead. My original question should have been How would you make red Lacquer, anyway, sorry about that. Seems that starting with Ubeats Orange Shellac Flakes may be the go but I'm undecided on what to tint it with. Ubeaut recommends Universal Tint from paint stores but I'm still suspect on the pigment qualities, especially red.
Wizened of Oz
19th May 2012, 05:53 PM
Orange shellac, Dewaxed White and Hard Shellac, I've tinted all of these at some time with Feast Watson Prooftint. No problems at all.
19th May 2012, 07:55 PM
Thanks Wiz of Oz, I had a gander at their Web Site, Mahogany looks pretty good but hard to tell from a screen image.
19th May 2012, 10:19 PM
Springwater, if you want to have a play, you can come across to my place in about 10 days. I have all the gear for it.
19th May 2012, 10:49 PM
Stoked! Thanks , 10 days will give me time to get some wood cut up for samples...and get my suit dry cleaned. Yell out when you're ready :2tsup: