View Full Version : Moderators & Super Moderators

10th May 2012, 11:40 AM
Just wondering what the difference is between the two? I noticed that we have a couple of new Super Mods just recently (Christos & Pagie).

Also, some of the Mods have blue titles, others have purple (e.g. IanW), so I guess there must be a difference there too? Others have a non-bold black title (BobL, Dai Sensai).

10th May 2012, 12:38 PM
Just wondering what the difference is between the two? I noticed that we have a couple of new Super Mods just recently (Christos & Pagie).

Also, some of the Mods have blue titles, others have purple (e.g. IanW), so I guess there must be a difference there too? Others have a non-bold black title (BobL, Dai Sensai).

Think it depends on how much glitter they use (dai sensai).
If they wear shorts or overalls Cliff and .
What colour socks they wear is definitely important.
Their marital status and their outlook on life also effects the colours.

10th May 2012, 12:46 PM
fly pretty much has it. Some mods have a fear of heights so don't wear the cape, others haven't yet got the hang of wearing their underwear over their tights.


10th May 2012, 01:10 PM
Woodwork Forums - Show Groups (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showgroups.php)

10th May 2012, 01:19 PM
Woodwork Forums - Show Groups (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showgroups.php)

Yes I've already had a look there, but it doesn't explain any of my questions. It was looking there that led to the questions.

10th May 2012, 01:24 PM
Some mods have different permissions that affect what they can do and where they can moderate. Details can only be provided by one of the administrators who can see under the hood far enough to answer you. uBeaut, or watson may drop by to explain when they log in.

10th May 2012, 01:44 PM
And I thought it was to do with how much they get paid (how many times zero)

10th May 2012, 03:36 PM
uBeaut, or watson may drop by to explain when they log in.

I could tell 'em.......but then I'd have to kill 'em :rotfl:

10th May 2012, 04:10 PM
Their martial status ...

How warrior-like they are? How ready they are to pick a fight ??

Hmmm, is it significant that "martial" is so close to "marital" ??


10th May 2012, 05:15 PM
How warrior-like they are? How ready they are to pick a fight ??

Hmmm, is it significant that "martial" is so close to "marital" ??

It was meant to be marital, spelling checker got me again. I'm going to fix it but I take your point, so close.

10th May 2012, 06:36 PM
Some mods have different permissions that affect what they can do and where they can moderate. Details can only be provided by one of the administrators who can see under the hood far enough to answer you. uBeaut, or watson may drop by to explain when they log in.Basically as Groggy said.

12th May 2012, 10:17 AM
they do a great job...whether they wear their jocks under or over their spandex tights...:D

12th May 2012, 11:24 AM
in spandex..................yeah right!

12th May 2012, 11:30 AM
.....................but wait, up on the screen, is it a fly, is it a moth? No it's Supper in spandex overalls.

Now we have that vision burnt onto our brains, what would his cape be made of?

12th May 2012, 04:01 PM
, what would his cape be made of?

Woodshavings, of course. :D


12th May 2012, 04:18 PM
You remember that one time when you managed to size down a cylinder in one perfect long shaving? Well, saved his.

12th May 2012, 10:29 PM
Just to clear up any misconceptions. does not wear spandex...he has a dinky little pink tutu and contrasting Blundstones.. :D

12th May 2012, 11:28 PM
Nah, don't wear Blunnies. Mongrels for me, naturally.:D

13th May 2012, 12:36 PM
Nah, don't wear Blunnies. Mongrels for me, naturally.:DTart! :rolleyes:

13th May 2012, 01:42 PM
The Super Mods are faster than a speeding bullet! :D

19th May 2012, 12:07 AM
Moderators: Look after specific forums and have the power to do certain things like moderate, delete and move posts, etc and a bit more. No need to know exactly what suffice to say they look after their particular forums and keep them running smoothly.

Super Moderators: Have more power and they range across all forums and can do nifty things like moving deleting and closing multiple threads/posts and unlike moderators they can (and do on a regular basis) ban people mostly spammers, but sometimes members who cause problems. They are ever vigilant and are usually the first ones to respond to reported posts and calls for help.

Administrators: They have the power to do most thing needed to keep the forums running and can sort out many problems associated with anything the Super Mods and Mods can't do.

Stephen & ubeaut - ADMINISTRATORS Both have all the powers of the rest times 100. They keep everything running and are responsible for all the back room work. Either can do scary things that include mass banning of members. and pushing the big red button which can shut the whole thing down in a second. Both are responsible for upgrades, and keeping the whole monster running and on track. ubeaut is basically stuck in the back room most of the time and fields the 200-300 emails received each day responding to each and every one after the garbage has been weeded out.

All do a remarkable job and all rely in some part upon input from the members, in the form of reporting posts, and messages that may contain spam, info harmful to the forums or other members, explicit or hateful material, etc.

Cheers - Neil :U

PS Whatever you do.... If you see this in your travels please don't touch it or you may just go....:blowup:

http://www.woodworkforums.com/attachments/f59/207164d1336025464-christos-pagie-big_red_button.jpg (http://www.1112.net/lastpage.html)

Compliments of Mr Watson

19th May 2012, 08:54 AM
Thanks Neil