View Full Version : Casting Resin? Blackbutt sap....help please

6th May 2012, 04:31 PM
Howdy all,

This'll be my first foray into the "big time", I just myself some "real" timber not the veneers and floor boards I typically knock about. I'm making a simple hall stand.

Anyhow, below is one of the boards, its Blackbutt. I really have no idea what to do with this. From what I have read I should be filling it with casting resin? can I tint that? if so what with?


I guess I'd like it to look deep red, like the sap, and very shiny (like honey), but natural, when the finish is applied. Not sure if anyone has any ideas?

Also, should I be filling the grain? can I use the casting resin for this? or should I just use timbermate as I normally do?

Any help would be most appreciated.


P.S. the only finish I know how to apply well is Shellac (well Hard Shellac, which I finish with EEE) so that's what I'll be using

6th May 2012, 06:48 PM
I'd probably just leave it be however don't use Timbermate, it'd look awful. As you've suggested, casting resin would be the way to go. The Solid Cast 606, Clear Doming Epoxy should do the trick (https://secure.solidsolutions.com.au/view_products.php?cat=6). Not cheap though.

7th May 2012, 09:53 PM
Many thanks.

So I'll fill the middle section with resin, what about the grain? should I just use resin for that as well? this is where I'd ordinarily use timber mate.


8th May 2012, 01:07 AM
Fill the large voids with resin and leave the smaller cracks, I'd finish with a polyurethane finish. Sand from 80g, 120g, 180g, 240g, 320g and finally 400g then apply the finish, about 3-4 coats and sand with 400g in-between. You should get a nice finish and the polyurethane should fill those small cracks.