View Full Version : wanted : used pigment box for colour matching
5th April 2012, 07:31 AM
Anyone got an old box of pigments lying about they don't use and wouldn't mind selling me ?
I don't want to have to buy a new box for 60odd bucks or whatever it is. Don't feel I need a full new box.
thanks kindly
5th April 2012, 08:37 AM
Jake, do you have a link to the sort of box you're talking about? I've never seen a ready made box for sale.
I currently use one of those moulded plastic boxes with a hinged lid, designed for holding small parts. I top it up with pigments from the jars as and when required. I have also used an ice cube tray in the past.
5th April 2012, 11:34 AM
yep, somewhere here in the bookmarks.
Furniture Restoration Supplies - Rosini's Color Box (
american site. $70. not 60 sorry.
What do you think of it ? maybe worth just buying it ? The last stuff I used was given to me. I'm not sure how much is there and what the stuff goes for other places.
5th April 2012, 12:20 PM
Price wise, it's not bad value... assuming the pigments are artists' quality and not general purpose colourants.
The question I'd ask though is, do you carry out a lot of restoration work and are those colours ones that you already use? The majority of those particular colours are of no interest to me, though I would substitute a few similar-ish ones.
I would use one or two of those colours much more than others – probably by a ratio of 5:1 – so I'd be topping them up from the mother load frequently. If you're just going to purchase that box of colours, then you'll have no reserves to top up with.
You could save a fair bit of money buying a box like that (it's virtually identical to the one I use) and just purchase the loose colours that you use frequently.
6th April 2012, 10:06 AM
thanks woodwould for your thoughts.
I won't be restoring that often. Occationally I'm asked to.
I'd like to have something like this but, surviving in woodwork seems just as much about minimizing costs.
Hoping to buy a half used up one from someone here.
18th May 2012, 06:34 PM
Will pay.
18th May 2012, 07:16 PM
Have you enquired at Goods and Chattels in Queensland?
18th May 2012, 07:51 PM
no I haven't yet. Ta for the idea. I've always prefered to talk to woodworkers first over salespeople. and like the idea of using up a used unwanted set first that may end up in the bin(but not asking for a freeby! pay/swap etc) ..bound to be something like this out there gathering dust. people changing interest etc.
24th May 2012, 11:45 PM
31st May 2012, 08:25 AM
things I have that I can swap with........(if thats an option. off the top of my head that can be posted)
lots of figured pieces I can cut up for you as pen blanks. silky, riveroak, cedar, other stuff I can't remember.
Got an excess of combination plane parts...
31st May 2012, 03:22 PM
Hi Jake,
Why not make a colour box and fill with colours ? I did this one for myself .
I'm thinking of a mk11 version which holds a small jar of shellac and metho.
and maybe six more colours.
2nd June 2012, 09:23 PM
sounds like cool idea. Bit confused about how the row of 6 holes is used though ? (or am I missing something obvious.)
2nd June 2012, 10:15 PM
The brass plate on the left has six countersunk holes, under each one of those is a hole drilled into the timber with something like a 30mm spade bit,there is about a 4 mm space between each hole in the wood. Undo 4 screws to take of the brass , fill with 6 colours. When I go to use it I first dip my brush into shellac and fill one of the little mixing dishes to the right, walk over to the job and poke a wet brush through the hole to pick up colours that I need mix and adjust in the other dishes. I hold 5 oxide colours and one spirit colour, a few more spirit colors would be good but the stuff is so strong it may be better to have them pre mixed in small jars with lids.
2nd June 2012, 10:30 PM
Another thing is I got about 8 months out of it before I had to take the lid off the colours for a refill. I have had it for the last year an a half. And in that time it got knocked of the bench once and took a tumble, I picked it up and only a small fraction of colour had escaped. At that moment I was glad I had spent the time making it.
5th June 2012, 09:11 PM
thanks Rob for your thoughts. I like your idea will try to do something similar. ta.