View Full Version : Cheap and nasty...a poll

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18th March 2012, 10:50 AM
As we move through this renovation, I am becoming more and more disillusioned by the quality of stuff available. I have to admit, I'm sick and tired of "discount" this and "cheap" that. Even when buying high-priced things, I am finding the quality is, at times, questionable. And when you choose high-quality, the price is often so far inflated that it's unobtanium.

The tapware in the new bathroom is an example. They were not cheap, they were from a plumbing specialist and not the big green shed. Six months down the track the bath mixer/diverter is already leaking when diverting to the bath, which means to me that the ceramic washer may have failed. And the sink mixer, same brand, is rubbing when it's turned. A trip back to the supplier is needed of course.

I admit to liking IKEA things, especially bathroom/kitchen accessories because they ARE inexpensive, but as a rule they are stainless steel, sturdy, and well-designed. And furniture...so many places that are selling what is simply junque that I would not have in my house.

We're spending many thousands to make our house more liveable and sustainable. It's not a luxury house by any means, but we would like it to be serviceable, and to last as long as we live here, and beyond.

So, a poll I guess.

1. Do you buy the cheapest possible to get the "look" you want
2. Do you wait until you can buy the best quality available

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/f85/cheap-nasty-poll-102817/)