View Full Version : Would you apply finish to sheet cane ?

7th March 2012, 07:32 PM
My wife says no. Leave as is.

I vaguely remembering a bloke I talked to years ago who didn't.

But I'm in two minds on it. Feel it may look better toned down a bit.

The finish used on the chair body is garnet shellac. Thinking I could pad on a light coat after the canes in.

8th April 2012, 09:37 PM
By all means apply a finish to the sheet cane, otherwise the chair seat will NOT match the rest of the chair, and end up looking totally, " horrible. " Also recommend wetting the cane with water before you attach it to the chair, then when the cane has dried you will have a nice tightly-stretched professional-looking cane seat instead of a loose, " floppy," seat, which I hope makes good sense to your wife,- that's providing you can get her to read this reply.

9th April 2012, 07:01 AM
Ta Roger,

They've already gone, so hope 'horrible' isn't true.

I tend to agree with you that it looks better with a finish on it to match. But then whats an ideal match ? subjective thing. If the cane was fluesent (spelling) pink then thered be a definete problem I'd say.

But now thats its gone, can't change it, I've got to search for reasons to justify it:D. .....No, actually now thats its done, I think it looks good ! There can be too much brown going on. Looks cleaner and crisper without finish on the cane. Finish gets into the cane looks just slapped on (one can always find words to defend what they must defend eh:D)

9th April 2012, 03:16 PM
Once the cane is dry after fitting it should have a sealer applied, otherwise any moisture (sweat) will cause it to stretch.

9th April 2012, 07:27 PM
I used up some white shellac I had. What would you be inclined to use ?

2nd July 2012, 07:30 PM
A "softer" method is to rub down the new cane with a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and white spirits.(dry rag off) Dries quite quickly and gradually colours down,,, evenly

2nd July 2012, 11:14 PM
Great chairs Jake. :2tsup:
I like the unfinished look. I think the white shellac was a good choice.

3rd July 2012, 11:10 AM

A caning bloke I know says its much of a muchness sort of thing. That he's more inclined to leave no finish on it at all, because when the cane drys out it that can be a problem . brittle.

But as usual there's so many versions I spose. I think I've heard something like 6 methods on how to finish the stuff now. anyway. ta.