View Full Version : Something different

5th March 2012, 09:19 PM
G,day all,

Just joined this marvellous forum, what a wealth of information:2tsup: just for somethging different I dont work with wood, well not very often, I am setting up a backyard plastic welding and fabrication busines, so why join a woodworking forum:? most of the machinery and techniques used for wood are also used for plastic.

Ive just bought an older triton router table top in good nick and a triton saw table and legs minus the top, $160 the lot, router top has never been used.

so if there's no objection to a plastic guy learning and possibly teaching some tips and tricks, I hope I am welcome to stay.


6th March 2012, 12:38 AM
Welcome to the forum.

On this forum there are other subforums such as metal, fishing etc. I think the main thing here is to do with making something and as you have already stated that what you do. :2tsup:

6th March 2012, 08:07 AM
Welcome to the forum.

6th March 2012, 09:30 AM
well I do make lots of things and it looks like plastic is the latest.

this is a plastic tub I cut, bent, routed and welded together then routed the edges to clean it up, before this was in the kayak all the blokes gear used to end up anywhere inside the kayak, now he can keep some of it easy to get at.


and yes I know it looks like a toilet:roll:

Cliff Rogers
6th March 2012, 09:35 AM
G'day Ghurk.... nice idea that installing a dunny on yer kayak. :think:

6th March 2012, 10:22 AM
G'Day & Welcome "Ghurkin",
That's a very interesting hobby, lots of technical know-how.
I'm sure everyone on the forum will benifit from your knowledge & know-how.
Cheers, Crowie

PS - I have used MEK to join plastics for model trains & we used to use some special glue from Germany to join polycarbonate; but I have no idea on the science of all the many types of plastics....

6th March 2012, 12:30 PM
Good idea for the kayak.