View Full Version : Applying teak oil (watco) over wood stain.

4th March 2012, 11:47 AM
I already need to refine my staining practices. I apply a liberal coat of wood of wood conditioner then apply a liberal helping of stain and wipe clean after an appropriate time (under 5 min). I recently built this table out of reclaimed wood (unknown type) and a cypress inset.
As you can see the stain is slightly blotchy. After this dried for a whole day I applied 3 coats of Watco teak oil and as I rubbed it in it pulled a lot of stain out of the wood lightening the color significantly.
The worst part is how it seems the stain didn't get displaced evenly so now it's even more blotchy. I'm happy with the way it came out on this particular piece, but on another project it might be less desirable.

Any advice?

5th March 2012, 04:53 AM
Ok, so this morning I woke up and went to look at my table and it seems that once the oil had soaked into the wood it started greying in spots in between the grain. What is this all about? Will that go away after I put varnish on?
Any input would be appreciated!

5th March 2012, 11:31 PM

6th March 2012, 11:13 AM
Somebody? :(

16th March 2012, 04:26 PM
Are the two products meant for each other? Sounds like one is dissolving the stain and then this is getting wiped off. Haven't used these products myself but many other and it just sounds like one is rejecting the other....not sure what the greying part is. If you still have enough product, so some test samples on off cuts and see if once you varnish it, if that will help at all.

18th March 2012, 04:16 PM
Not at all.

The stain is Minwax and the oil is Watco. That is what I had guessed was going on. The mineral spirits in the teak oil must've been crying as a solvent for the stain and it was wiping off. Maybe the grey was part of the stain left behind?
It went away after a few more coats of teak.

31st July 2012, 09:24 PM
Its a while since your last post but I read something recently that might might apply here and help someone else in future. It could be you are using a pigment stain, and the act of brushing on another finish onto a dry-brushed surface will cause the delicate pigments that are floating on the surface to be dissolved by the solvent. Its suggested to spray on a finish in this case...I could be totally wrong though but hope thats on the right track