View Full Version : What do I need to buy?

29th February 2012, 08:03 AM
Some years ago I bought a small (140 l/m) air compressor to run air staplers, small nail guns and to blow a bit of dust out of machinery. Worked fine.

But now I want to run a spray gun or two to spray estapols and the like (and the occasional bit of water based paint). A 140 l/m air compressor will just not do it.

So far as I can see my options are
a) Get a much bigger compressor
b) Buy some sort of dedicated spray unit like a Wagner or the one that carbatec sell (Earlex)

What do I do?

29th February 2012, 09:02 AM
i bought a 240 l/min taiwanese compressor from tradetools about 2 weeks ago for work, which has been used about 3 times before we figured out a better solution to our needs :rolleyes:

might be thinking of selling it on if you are interested. drop me a line if thats where you wanna go with it.