View Full Version : Big thank you to the Woodwork Forums

The Chemist
6th January 2012, 09:18 AM
Just registered to say a big thanks to all the members of the forum over the years. While I have only just signed up today, I've been using the search tool for 10 years, and it's never let me down.
A big thanks to uncle Neil for all his wisdom and experience (and his products, they're awesome). If you don't have the bible, get it.
A big thank you to you, the forum member. Obviously these things don't work without you, but thanks for taking the time to post you opinion/experience it all things wood.
I've loved working with wood since tech studies in year 8 at school. I finished school and spent 9 years training and working in the health sector. 5 years ago left the pharmacy profession to have a career in carpentry and have never enjoyed work so much.
So thank you, from helping me find a pen kit and the best finish 10 years ago, to now building houses:2tsup:



Ben Dono
6th January 2012, 09:39 AM
I should be thanking this forum as well! Much the same story. Been searching for answers for years and usually found them here.
Thanks everyone!
The Chemist I went at it the other way round... Started out as a carpenter and it payed my way through uni. I was lucky. Any medical degrees are tough but I was studying with kids working for a pittance after uni and on the weekends. I would book in the great jobs during the breaks and make enough to kick me through the semester. I had a lot more time to study so it was easier for me( actually it was a ball breaker I just got to spread it out a little longer)
still... I can't stop being a carpenter on the side! I will never stop working with my hands.

Actually off the topic, I never understood why more people don't make of fix things!? It seems as though there is less and less of us as time goes on.

6th January 2012, 10:32 PM
Welcome to the forum. Not really agreeing what there are less and less people building things. I think once you start you get the feeling and there's very little that can get in the way.

That's one good reason for this forum, help at hand.

6th January 2012, 10:38 PM
G'Day & Welcome "The Chemist".
Yhis is a great forum...
Friendly & helpful all.
Cheers, crowie

10th January 2012, 09:57 AM
Hi there Chemist. welcome aboard. :2tsup:

Sawdust Maker
10th January 2012, 09:23 PM
The Chemist

welcome to the forum, may you be a participant for many a year

Ben Dono

I have an idea what it is like to study part time - well done