View Full Version : Removing Cat's Pee from floor boards

27th January 2005, 11:08 PM
I noticed a musty smell of cat's wee from the edge of my floorboard
I think it got there when I had a hole large enough for a cat to get in while I was out. I caught it inside one day and now I'm paying for the smell !!!!

So I have tried scrubbing with detergant and lemon and have sanding the wet patch. Its dry but I thinkit has seeped into the floorboard.
I thought of replacing this board before covering with new skirting.

Anyone have any suggestions for removing Cats Pss..

From Cypress pine flooring

Cleaning agents ???

will I have to start from scratch and time consumingly remove the board to refresh the lounge room

27th January 2005, 11:18 PM
Just wait - the smell fades - eventually!!!

28th January 2005, 08:19 AM
12 Gauge!!

Al :)

28th January 2005, 08:34 AM
White vinegar (the other ones stain).

28th January 2005, 08:40 AM
I second the white vinegar.
It works well.
You could then use the follow up process of the 12 Guage to prevent further problems.

Regards, Trevor

28th January 2005, 09:10 AM
A can of petrol (any type) and a match should do it. Then rebuild. :D :D


simon c
28th January 2005, 09:33 AM
White vinegar (the other ones stain).

I can just pciture next week's thread:
How do I get rid of the smell of vinegar? ;)

28th January 2005, 09:45 AM
I like the 12 gauge idea but I know a guy whose brother used that solution on cats that were fighting and mating under his house every night.
He wasn't sure what was worse, having a whole cat under the house or bits of one.
Failing that, vanilla seems to be a good cure for smells.

28th January 2005, 01:34 PM
I was told by a carpet installer to spray a mixture of water and detol or something like that on the area. I don't know how great that will be on a wooden floor but for carpet it worked a treat!!!

(It was for a plumbing overflow... *Shudders*)

28th January 2005, 03:35 PM
I've used a product called Intergain Revia, its a floor cleaning product, designed for cleaning the timber on floors before applying the stain. I had some 50 year old water stains in the timber near my kitchen sink, and it did not a bad job of removing them. It's available at bunnings


28th January 2005, 03:41 PM
There is a product available at most supermarkets called "nilodor" or "nilodour" or something very close. Small dark bottle very concentrated. It is the only stuff I know of that can get rid of the smell without trying to just cover it up (I needed it after I left my car window open overnight one night and a cat decided to climb in). A cat lover put me on to it as they used it all the time. Personally the 12 gauge approach appeals more...

No idea about leaving marks on boards though, fine on car upholstery. As the labels say, test on an inconspicuous place first.


28th January 2005, 03:59 PM
As the labels say, test on an inconspicuous place first.
Try the cat's a*se. :eek: :D

28th January 2005, 04:10 PM
Beat me to the draw Termite, best to rough the surface with a wire brush first though :D
careful, he's watching and knows where you live

Wood Borer
28th January 2005, 04:13 PM
Try the cat's a*se. :eek: :D

Consider this as a greenie. I must have given you one recently - good suggestion.

journeyman Mick
28th January 2005, 04:24 PM
I can reccomend the Nilodor also. Years ago I had a lounge reupholstered, drove it home on the back of the ute and parked it in the carport. While I was bringing the first piece in the next door neighbour's cat decided that one of the sections was better than kitty litter! :mad: The Nilodor cleared the smell after a few weeks, but it had soaked right into the foam, should be much easier on a timber floor.


28th January 2005, 06:38 PM
Tell me again just why do you have a cat? No pets no problems and more to spend on tools

You get what you deserve. Life should come with instructions. Having cats should be one of the no, no's. The animal rights here in the US would have you put in prison for shooting a cat. I can just see St Peter sending you to hell for shooting the cat. I don't think the excuse " I didn't know." will fly.

Viniger takes the smell out of cloths when you use it in the wash. My wife is an Aussie. She has all kinds of home remedies. Smile there are worse things.

28th January 2005, 07:58 PM
We have horses (who do not urinate on the floor) which means we have feed which attracts rats and mice who in turn attract snakes, Cats are rodent Arnies and the foxy keeps the snakes in check.
part from that I am not that fond of cats, ours live outside and fend for themselves.

28th January 2005, 08:06 PM
I can just see St Peter sending you to hell for shooting the cat. I don't think the excuse " I didn't know." will fly.

If ya go to hell over ONE cat, then Im doomed, doomed I tell ya.
( insert evil laugh here) it would look something like this, whmahahahah.

Al :D

28th January 2005, 08:16 PM
Bad luck when a black cat crosses your path, tis true, as many black cats would attest to if they could if they had not stepped out in front of the Landcruiser :D

28th January 2005, 08:21 PM
I can just see St Peter sending you to hell for shooting the cat. Rick
Oooohhh....That explains why its been so hot around here latley!!, Sooright Al, we can be neighbours, I'll put in an A/C before you get here:D

Also, stock NATO 7.62 mm rounds are no good. You need reloads with nice soft hollow points. DAMHIK:D

Cheers from pergat...pugator....purga....HELL!!!

28th January 2005, 08:42 PM
Tell me again just why do you have a cat? No pets no problems and more to spend on tools

You get what you deserve. Life should come with instructions. Having cats should be one of the no, no's. The animal rights here in the US would have you put in prison for shooting a cat. I can just see St Peter sending you to hell for shooting the cat.
Hmmmm...a mate of mine goes shooting cats every year with 2 coppers on a property owned by a retired prison guard!!!!

Personally, I don't shoot cats....I prefer to leave something for the dog to play with!!!!

28th January 2005, 08:48 PM
Freaky....just as I submitted my last post a news break came on the telly....."The RSPCA have reported an attack on 5 cats in Rockhampton as the worst ever" or something like that.

28th January 2005, 08:50 PM
Freaky....just as I submitted my last post a news break came on the telly....."The RSPCA have reported an attack on 5 cats in Rockhampton as the worst ever" or something like that.
Worst ever what??

Al :confused:

28th January 2005, 08:58 PM
Worst ever what??

Al :confused:
Depends on what side of the fence your on.....

Cat lovers = case of abuse
Everyone Else = Result (he could of at least got a few more)

28th January 2005, 09:23 PM

28th January 2005, 09:34 PM
Like Chlorine and brake............Stop............

Well it will work. :p
Just make sure you run...................


28th January 2005, 10:01 PM

Leaving aside the more (ahem!) imaginative suggestions from our esteemed fellow members, plain bleach or Domestos type (thickened bleach) cleaner works quite well.

Unfortunately I have a cat (well, I pay the bloody bills for it anyway) that has reverted in its dotage to kitten like behaviour. That is, not house trained! I just use undiluted Domestos and to hell with the floor boards!!! They need sanding again anyway.

Mark (who is not bitter at all...)

28th January 2005, 10:06 PM
For the pong - something with eucalyptus oil in it is apparently very good for cat & dog smells. If they decide to use your doormat as a message board give it a good soak with Dettol or similar Eucalyptus based product - thoroughly hijacks their messages & they don't come back.

A more permanent fix for the cat is either Panadol mixed in their feed or crushed up stewed starfish - both are silent, at least after a while.

The RSPCA's current thing is the dimwits who are torturing cats, rather than putting them down humanely. This has the effect of wasting money & rescources repairing the cat & showing soppy footage of it on TV. And it further encourages dimwits to keep on doing it, until they pick on a kid or granny when the cats run out.

28th January 2005, 10:52 PM
Don't know about the 12 guage, a .22 between the eyes leaves cat intact for gentle removal and solves problem without the mess stinking the house out for weeks.

29th January 2005, 07:07 AM
But a 12 gauge is absolutely spectacular, at close range anyway :D

29th January 2005, 01:07 PM
But a 12 gauge is absolutely spectacular, at close range anyway :D

That's probably how he got the hole in the floor in the first place :D :D

29th January 2005, 04:12 PM
I personally hate the smell of Nilodour... something about it makes me feel ill :)
The best way to get rid of pee smells is by using an enzyme compound - this will neutralise the organic compounds in the pee that create the stink. You can buy enzyme "pet sprays" from woolies and such, but the easiest & cheapest way is to mix up some enzyme laundry detergent and use that. I use BioZet and it works incredibly well - just mix a spoonful of it with some COLD water and sponge it on the stinky area. It's also excellent for washing the dog beds in :)

We got a cat trap from the council the other day, but the buggers wouldn't go in it. Very depressing to peek outside and see them sitting on the bloody thing!

29th January 2005, 05:57 PM
We got a cat trap from the council the other day, but the buggers wouldn't go in it. Very depressing to peek outside and see them sitting on the bloody thing!
Electrify it......Mwaaahhhhhhaaaaa:D

Al :D

30th January 2005, 12:19 AM
We had a problem with various roaming dogs at one stage, goth the dog trap from the council. Mentioned it to a couple of neibours & showed them.
Didn't catch a damn thing but it fixed the problem :D

you gota find something interesting to bate these things with. Also remember pussies are curious things, theres no point going in If they can see whats in there from the outside.
Observe pussie when left alone with partly closed cardboard box. They can't help them selves they gota see inside :D

30th January 2005, 12:55 AM
Electrify it......Mwaaahhhhhhaaaaa:D
Hahaha! I just got a mental image of a car battery and some jumper leads.... oh, that is so tempting.

But good point about covering it a bit... I must admit, I just stuck some raw chicken in as bait, and shoved the whole cage in the middle of the yard. I guess that's not terribly appealing to cats... It's not like I want to make my yard even more inviting to them. However, I didn't mention - we caught a magpie in it! At least the cage would've protected it from cats!

31st January 2005, 06:45 PM
I love cats.
But I can't eat a whole one.

31st January 2005, 07:52 PM
you could try melalueca oil 100%. its a solvent/airfreshner/cleaner/antiseptic

there use to be a bloke in Darwin who used his wheelie bin full of water to eliminate the local strays... lol

Fat Pat
31st January 2005, 08:17 PM
A 12 Guage Shottie is far too uncivilised for the likes of readers to this post, surely?

Far better to construct a Gas Chamber utilising your car exhaust, that not only solves the cat "issue", but also allows you to show off your construcyion skills!

Please consider.