View Full Version : Walnut finish for Victorian Ash

Medal Collector
25th January 2005, 04:20 PM
Hi all,

Any advice gratefully received here. Have built a lovely display cabinet in vic ash and want the finished colour to be a walnut or similar in appearance. Have tried wattyls walnut and clear but it was a bad choice! I have the various wire wools and am happy to multiple cut back between coats etc. Would like a cloth applied or brush doesnt matter I have no experience so practicing on the drawer of the cabinet so it cant be seen! Any advice?


25th January 2005, 08:52 PM
Bugger . I have just bought some Wattle walnut for a vic ash c'bd I am doing but haven't opened it yet . can you elaborate on the problem.


25th January 2005, 09:33 PM
Hi all,

Any advice gratefully received here. Have built a lovely display cabinet in vic ash and want the finished colour to be a walnut or similar in appearance. Have tried wattyls walnut and clear but it was a bad choice! I have the various wire wools and am happy to multiple cut back between coats etc. Would like a cloth applied or brush doesnt matter I have no experience so practicing on the drawer of the cabinet so it cant be seen! Any advice?

Cheers,the stuff you puchased is it all in one varnish? or did you buy walnut stain and a clear finish?

25th January 2005, 09:40 PM
hey medal collector, was the stuff you bought from wattyl an all in one walnut varnish or was it a walnut stain and a seperate clear finish.
if it was an all in one finish then it is no good for what you want.
let me know and i will attempt to guide through the stages ok!???

27th January 2005, 05:33 PM
I have bought wattle wipe on stain and it is coming along Ok so far with one clear coat sprayed . Will post a pic when done .


29th January 2005, 06:14 PM
gudday peter

in the trade mountain ash/tassie oak is usually left natural.
but if you insist on staining use wattyl colour wood stain and follow the instructions to the letter. once dry then you may spray with a clear lacquer.
pressure pack cans of lacquer are available from wattyl trade stores or from mirotone stockists. very good stuff have been using it for about 20 years for smaller projects.

best of british luck Tigerbat5

29th January 2005, 07:52 PM
Howdy Tigerbat5.

I agree that ash/tasie oak is usually just clear finished but when somebody wants it stained then it gets stained . The pic is a " linen cbd" which my DIL wanted in a hurry for the rental house that they have just moved into but it had to go in the entry . Finish is Wattle interior stain , walnut brown with about 10%english mahogany by request and 2 coats of miralac satin . Knobs by DIL