View Full Version : Mouldings for desk

1st December 2011, 09:09 PM
Hi Folks
I've got an old (over 100 years) Australian cedar writing desk which I'm finally getting around to restoring.
The problem I have is that some of the inlay mouldings on the drawers and top are missing and I can't find matching ones.
There are too many to replace them all so I'd like to find someone in Melbourne who can run a few metres for me, the mouldings are hardwood.
Does anyone know where I can get them done without breaking the bank?

1st December 2011, 11:42 PM
Any timber machine shop could do it it won't be cheap unless they have a matching profile they will need to have cutters made at your cost, and runing only a few meters will also be expensive. The way to go is make them by hand with a moulding plane, or have a router cutter ground, put a photo up some one here my already have what you require

5th December 2011, 07:31 AM
I'd go moulding plane or scratch stock.

Nothing worse than trying to blend something machined into a hand made item and despite your efforts, it sticks out like dogs b's (to you anyways).

The local timber joint charges 120 just to set up the cutters for custom mouldings if you provide the profile- ouch!

5th December 2011, 09:29 PM
Sorry folks but I don't have the skills to make them by hand.
I have a router (but no table) and I thought of trying to do it with a few passes using different bits but I'd prefer a machine shop to copy them for me.
A shop in the northern suburbs quoted me $450 for 2 metres which I thought was a bit steep and which is why I asked here.
I'll have a crack myself, if I butcher a few metres of KD it's no big deal.