3rd November 2011, 09:09 PM
G'day everyone,
I've been asked to have a go at restoring an old kitchen hutch that has been in the family for a long time…
It's had a hard life, around 30 years ago it was dipped in a caustic bath by some absolute hacks, they lost the 2 sliding doors and broke some of the plastic/bakelite labels and didn't neutralise the timber properly after the bath, the grain has raised considerably and is rough.
It is very heavy and from what I can gather looks to be hardwood (plain vic ash or similar) with ply panelled sides and kauri boards that slide out (one being the whole width of the piece.
My mum thinks that it was always meant to painted as some of the timber appears to vary throughout the piece - not sure?
Some of the hardware has been replaced, there are screw holes that indicate that the drawer handles used to be semi-circular…
I'm not looking to take this thing back to it's original condition, but it's a nice unit and deserves a refinish at the very least.
I have restored a few pieces of furniture, but am definitely a novice, so I will outlay my plan and would appreciate any tips or guidance if you have any!
1. Scrub with the grimy bits with some sugar soap, then rinse off
2. Sand until the raised grain is smooth
3. Apply Oxalic Acid to try and get some of the original colour back, then rinse
4. Rub with pale boiled Linseed oil, for colour and rejuvenation
5. Rub with a Carnauba based wax
Apologies for the dodgy photos taken with my phone, hopefully give you some idea of what I am banging on about
I've been asked to have a go at restoring an old kitchen hutch that has been in the family for a long time…
It's had a hard life, around 30 years ago it was dipped in a caustic bath by some absolute hacks, they lost the 2 sliding doors and broke some of the plastic/bakelite labels and didn't neutralise the timber properly after the bath, the grain has raised considerably and is rough.
It is very heavy and from what I can gather looks to be hardwood (plain vic ash or similar) with ply panelled sides and kauri boards that slide out (one being the whole width of the piece.
My mum thinks that it was always meant to painted as some of the timber appears to vary throughout the piece - not sure?
Some of the hardware has been replaced, there are screw holes that indicate that the drawer handles used to be semi-circular…
I'm not looking to take this thing back to it's original condition, but it's a nice unit and deserves a refinish at the very least.
I have restored a few pieces of furniture, but am definitely a novice, so I will outlay my plan and would appreciate any tips or guidance if you have any!
1. Scrub with the grimy bits with some sugar soap, then rinse off
2. Sand until the raised grain is smooth
3. Apply Oxalic Acid to try and get some of the original colour back, then rinse
4. Rub with pale boiled Linseed oil, for colour and rejuvenation
5. Rub with a Carnauba based wax
Apologies for the dodgy photos taken with my phone, hopefully give you some idea of what I am banging on about