View Full Version : Matt finish for milk paint

31st October 2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Guys,

My 37 weeks pregnant wife :2tsup: has just finished off a chest of drawers for the new bub in Milk Paint - traditional white finish.
She's after a matt finish, but we realise the milk pain won't stand up to wear and tear.
She's also wanting to keep along the 'natural' lines as much as possible.
Can anyone recommend a top coat for milk paint that is:
1) Natural
2) Durable
3) Matt
4) Won't change the colour


1st November 2011, 02:35 AM
While travelling abroad I've seen buildings in Austria painted externally in traditional motifs and other decoration done in Milk paint. When I queried it I was told it lasted many years.

I can't think that there is any difference in 'Milk paint' between Australia and Europe.

So are you sure your handywork won't stand up to a little use?