View Full Version : New use for Hard Shellac

13th January 2005, 01:33 PM
Not exactly to do with wood finishing.
I had a water stain in ceiling from a storm 12 months ago. Having solved the external problem I set about repainting the ceiling about 6 weeks ago.
Three coats of ceiling paint did not stop the stain from bleeding through so I put a couple of coats of Ebeaut Hard Shellac on, allowed to dry for 24 hours and then painted over with quality water based ceiling paint.
To date no sign of any bleeding through.

14th January 2005, 07:45 AM
I am very intrigued by the Hard Shellac product that U-Beaut sells. Is this an additive to a shellac (that I already have made up) or is it an out of the jar type product ? If so, roughly how much do you add to the shellac ? I want to get a rough idea on cost to compare to other finishes I am currently using - both water based and spirit lacquers. I build guitars and mandolins, bye the way - but I also finish other wood products as well !!

Please let me know if anybody has any articles or testimonials that I can read. I prefer working with shellac and would love if there were a product I could use by adding as a cross linker to my shellac of preference, and toner shade that I have created, that would render a very hard, durable finish.

Please advise.


Bret Hedenkamp

Ben from Vic.
14th January 2005, 10:52 AM

Ubeaut's product is a shellac that has had crosslinkers added, you can find more info on his wedsite....

Ubeaut's website. (http://www.ubeaut.com.au/ubhome.htm)

Hard Shellac is about half way down the list.

14th January 2005, 12:06 PM
The questions that I asked in my entry above are not answered by that website. I have already visited that site and my questions were developed from reading that web site entry.

Thanks though.

This is why I am still asking the questions...... looking for someone that has used it with useful knowledge.


14th January 2005, 01:28 PM
Just one more thing to add.
We have a spray on product called Kill Ease. Don't know if you have it there.
Here is one thing that works very well on water stained plaster. Use streight bleach in a spray bottle. It works great on flat paint. Get in close and spray the area that is stained. Make sure to cover everything under you spray or the wife will kill you for making white spots on everything. Another use for cheap bleach is spray it on the weeds in the pavement. Kills the little buggers dead and is cheaper than weed spray. Smile the rain gods have been here. We had 24 inches of rain in 5 days. Who says it never rains in California. Normal for the whole year is 14 inches. I had rain blowing under good vent caps. I had spot on celing. I sprayed it 2 days ago at the spots are gone. Happy spotting.

14th January 2005, 09:16 PM
The questions that I asked in my entry above are not answered by that website. I have already visited that site and my questions were developed from reading that web site entry.


The hard shellac is a special type of shellac ready for use. You use it as it comes out of the bottle, thinned down as appropriate, but not as an additive to your special mixture. That is clear on their website.

If you want more details why don't you ask Ubeaut. I am sure they will give away their secret recipe to help you out, NOT. :eek:


Ben from Vic.
15th January 2005, 11:34 AM

The hard shellac is a special type of shellac ready for use. You use it as it comes out of the bottle.


Pretty sure thats what I said too (only differently). :confused: :(

15th January 2005, 11:45 AM
Why not just buy a bottle and give it a try..............I love the stuff. It's a great finish but must be thinned down to get a nice even coat. 6 coatys and then some Ubeaut EEE and you have a 'piano' type finish.........superb!

27th January 2005, 11:51 AM
Hi Richard,
Bleach for weeds in pavers. Do you apply as it comes from the store or do you dilute with water. Very interested in your solution.

Kind regards,

27th January 2005, 08:55 PM
Bugger I tried to give you a greenie Peter but I am told I need to spread it around.........the greenies Not the BS :D