View Full Version : ubeaut traditional wax over wattyl stain?

16th October 2011, 07:16 AM
Hi Guys, I am rebuilding my speakers and was wondering if this would be ok?

Here is a picture of what I did last time, it is the wattyl english mahogany stain with (I think) the estapol clear coats.

I am starting again and thinking of using the same wattyl product but rather than clear coating using the traditional wax. Mainly because I don't have an ideal place to do all the clear coating anymore.

Are these compatible with each other?



18th October 2011, 12:08 AM
You really need to seal the stain with some sort of a surface finish. The solvents in the trad wax will just pull the stain of the timber and end up a bit of a mess. Same with pretty much any wax. They all contain solvent(s) which will be compatible with the solvents in the stain.

It is best to seal all stains into the timber before waxing with anything. The best stain to use with Trad wax or for that matter pretty much any other wax, is a water stain. Not compatible so won't pull out into the wax... much.

Hope this is of a little help.

Cheers - Neil :U

18th October 2011, 11:47 AM
Pretty sexy lookin' speakers! Are they your design/make or commercial?