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5th October 2011, 02:19 AM
g'day all, wish i knew about this site over the past few years boy could i of used some pointers :D

Im a keen as mustard woodworker/DIY, so far ive built 3 balconies, chicken coop, tables, restored a few old bikes, anything i can get my hands on i will and helped out with a bit of structural issues with a few neighbors and family friends houses, i love it :U if i had more money i would buy more tools and do more projects but uni life isnt the most lavish but have been able to complete most work with the basics i have collected over the years, drop saws, circular saw, drill, compressor with tools, drills, levels and a decent socket and screw driver set and welder, it may not sound like much but theres nothing i cant build with what i got. I've always run my projects by other builders, engineers, and even the guy who dosnt know that much a bunnings, now i find this great place to now help with my questions :2tsup:

My neice is having her first birthday in 6 weeks so i am going to be building her a wooden swing set, i have the general idea being a simple a frame either side but like all my projects will run it through cad first to get my precise measurements. But now i am here will wack it up on the forum for a input even though its a simple swing i would imagine that the torsion on the top support of having 2 swings swinging at opposite to each other may play some effect but weather or not it may be an issue i will soon find out. I look forward to reading through this great forum and sharing some of my past and future projects with use

5th October 2011, 10:12 PM
Welcome to the forum.

6th October 2011, 07:21 AM
Welcome to the forum