View Full Version : Help with slab table final finish

5th October 2011, 12:07 AM
I posted this in the other room, but then realized it's probably better suited for this discussion.

Anyway, I have a large slab table (about 8ft) that I'm in the process of finishing.

It's been sanded smooth, stained, and has a few coats of Deft Lacquer on it.

It looks pretty good, I'm just wondering if anyone has some tips on how to buff it out to a satin finish?

I'm currently sanding it with 320 grit which fills up very, very fast. I'm burning through paper like you wouldn't believe.

I was planning on then moving up to 400, then on up all the way to 800. Unless there's no need for that.

Then after that maybe applying some sort of paste wax or something? Not sure if that's even necessary.

Clearly I'm a newbie here.

I'm looking for a glass smooth, but satin look.

Any ideas?

Thank you!!

5th October 2011, 01:16 PM
If you sprayed the lacquer on you should have been able to start at a much finer grit. If you are sanding progressively from 320 I would be carefull not to sand through and remove the stain, it might be a good idea to build it up with a few more coats. Use wet and dry paper and lubricate the surface with water and a bit of dish wash liquid, the grit to start on depends on how well you prepared the surface and how well the finish went on. When I want that glass like finish on a wood like white oak with large pores I spray a undercoat and then a couple of heavy coats of polyester, then sand it flat with a ro sander at 240 then follow with 2 consecutive top coats of 2k poly, having a flat surface and a nice satin top coat I usually leave it off the gun. If there are pimples I lube the surface and sand with 1500 w & d and then 0000 steel wool. The paper should not be clogging so quickly on cured lacquer? I hope this helps

Dont use electric sander when using water as lubrication.

7th October 2011, 01:27 AM
Great, thanks! Yeah that helps.