View Full Version : what do you think of ruby shellac ?

23rd September 2011, 02:54 PM
Just wondering if its worth a go ? and your thoughts.

things like....say, over what timbers it looks best on etc.

If anyone has any pics be good.

thanks kindly


30th June 2012, 04:49 PM
By ruby shellac do you mean garnet shellac? Basically shellacs differ only in their shade from dark garnet to blond (which has been artificially bleached) and their wax content. If you have a de-waxed shellac that looks ruby red go ahead with it, it will give your chair a lovely warm glow. But if you want to keep the light colour of the wood, use de-waxed blond shellac preferably a type called platina.

1st July 2012, 09:13 PM
thanks for your thoughts.

no its not garnet. leaning towards waxy white at the moment.

wondering over what tones a red shellac would look good on. will experiment one day.
