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31st August 2011, 08:23 PM
Politically correct Pom (
31st August 2011, 10:23 PM
:2tsup::2tsup: I had that sent to me last week, good isn't he.
31st August 2011, 11:01 PM
I think I lost interest at 10 seconds and clicked it off at about 20.
31st August 2011, 11:27 PM
Did you notice he didn't use one swear word in getting his message across, and that it wasn't in the least bit racist? I found him to be quite articulate.
Sadly, I think there is an element of truth in what he says
31st August 2011, 11:45 PM
I probably should of expanded on my comment. His monologue contained many rash generalisations (everyone who riots is a moron) and as a consequence he came across as a bit of looney. But yeah, about 5% of what he said was valid.
A Duke
1st September 2011, 12:12 AM
How do you know?
20 seconds is only 1.42% of the clip.
1st September 2011, 01:33 AM
Not a bad clip.
I've come across him before as he talked about being an athiest. While I'm neither strongly for or against religion, his whole spiel was, to me, very black and white with nothing in between and left me feeling quite bitter about his arguments.
So as I tend to agree with a lot of what he was on about in this one, the generalisation of all the rioters being on drugs specifically, in my opinion, makes his message no more or less "truthier" than the main stream reporting he's partially railing against.
Not that I know the personal story of each and every individual rioter, but you don't need to be on drugs, own a Blackberry, have a plasma tv or wear particular clothes to behave like a toss pot.
Sawdust Maker
1st September 2011, 10:05 AM
Has to be tongue in cheek stuff, not ranting and raving
1st September 2011, 10:28 AM
How do you know?
20 seconds is only 1.42% of the clip.
4 minutes and 45 seconds = 285 seconds therefore 7% is probably a better figure and thats enough for me to make up my mind ;)
A Duke
1st September 2011, 11:58 AM
My apologies, in the light of day I see my calculations are out.
1st September 2011, 12:12 PM
hehe, that's okay, at that time of night my judgement is about 99% out :p