View Full Version : Stain + paint

8th August 2011, 10:26 PM
For my yr.11 DnT project I am basically making a box out of maple and for the finish I was thinking of painting small details on it but then I also wanted too stain it,Ii was wondering if I can actually do this or not.
If I can then would you please be able to tell me how to do it (as in the order in which to apply coats as well as the best kind of stain/paint to use).
If I cant do this, does anybody have any ideas on finishes I could use?

9th August 2011, 09:38 PM
Yes you can apply paint to your project. Best done after you have stained it. I do likewise with my projects as am a designer, & inventer/creator of new ideas, also have a lady friend who enjoys pushing the limits on woodcraft design, and finishing. Both of us have the opion of, " Try it, see what one can do, and come up with. "
Although primarily a toymaker / designer, I have now ventured into the fascinating art of Intarsia, while my friend is into making Wood Art from garden junk,& rubbish.
My friend, ( Judy ), has made Masks from lower ends of palm fronds using a Dremel, Woodburning tool, Wood Stain, and Artist's Acrylics,( in that order ), before sealing her creations with several coats of Gloss Lacquer. The end result is eye-catching and really spectacular.

With my Intarsia Projects, I apply the woodstain first, ( I use Wattyl Colorwood, which is an oil-based stain ), then when dry, I highlight certain parts of the design with Artist's Acrylics, and allow to dry overnight, then seal with the Gloss lacquer.
The end result is quite spectacular.
Hope this information is of help toyou.