View Full Version : multinutette

30th December 2004, 07:11 PM
just like to tell all that im a dad again
another baby girl #4
Guinevere Lily
mum and bub fine


anybody have any clues on getting a boy ?

30th December 2004, 07:13 PM
You found out what causes it yet? :D :D Congrats.

30th December 2004, 07:19 PM
It's the salt water... it rusts the spouts off 'em.

Well that's what my mechanic said when my third daughter was born...said if I was going to have a boy, I'd have to give up surfing. I gave up something else and didn't have any more!! :D :D :D

Congratulations and all the best Multipersons!!

Of course there's the other theory, that boys and girls are born the same, then the night after they arrive the maternity nurse runs around and shakes the willys of the silly ones!!! (Got away with that for years with only a few minor bruises and contusions!!)



30th December 2004, 09:07 PM

Maybe you should take up turning....you'll make a damn good copy turner if you have a sample in front of you!!

Glad theyre both well


John Saxton
30th December 2004, 09:13 PM
'anybody have any clues on getting a boy' ?(as quoted by mulitnut)

"Any fool can have a boy but it takes a man to have a girl"

A saying thats been around for years Mulitnut but that is not to detract from your stirling efforts and the rather large bank account required for marrying those girls off down the track.

Better luck next time as they say and half the fun is in the trying! :eek:

Good luck to you,your good lady and family for the new year.

Cheers :)

30th December 2004, 11:46 PM
Goodonya multi, the plumbing doesn't matter of course, as long as all are fit & well. Enjoy mate !!

On the track of thinking sideways, when you're getting affectionate with the lady multi, do you take her in a multigrip ? :eek:

Mate that could be your problem, try varying your technique !

Don't vary too much tho', she might throw a pup next time ;) :eek: :D

Cheers mate..............Sean , beef and black bean :o

Kev Y.
31st December 2004, 12:18 AM
Congrats on the latest TAX deduction.. hope all goes well.

anybody have any clues on getting a boy ?

Hire one??????

31st December 2004, 08:37 AM
Congratulations mate.

I worked with a bloke who decided, along with his missus, that they'd keep trying for a girl until they got one - they wound up with eight boys!

Count your blessings and teach one of them to be a tomboy - hell, with that many sisters, they'll probably all turn out to be tomboys.

But think of the excuses you'll have for disappearing into the shed, going bald, drinking too much.

Of course, I could just suggest that you've been doing it all wrong and you need to go back and get some practice ... but you've probably thought of that one.

waiting for my little princess to come home from an access visit

Wood Borer
31st December 2004, 09:10 AM
Congratulations, what timber were you working prior to the conception?

Glad to hear everyone is 100%.

31st December 2004, 10:12 AM
thanks all for the congrats
- god gave man an extra brain to think with
biting - i dont like the beach or salt water
scooter - i do it in multiples - multinut,multigrip,multiple,multiply
brudda - $3000 on new tools baby bonus
daddles - i dont own a shed,i shaved my head,i drink alot,my 8 year old is a tomboy
wood borer - i was working on tassi oak , 1st thing i did was check the digits

:D :D :D :D :D
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

31st December 2004, 06:32 PM
Congratulations to you and madam Multi, and to all the little multettes. With only daughters myself, I'm sorry I can't give any advice on how to have boys.

31st December 2004, 07:18 PM
Congrats Multinut.

I've got a girl and one unknown on the way. BUT MrsP is one of three girls, her sister had two girls and our first is a girl. AM I IN TROUBLE OR WHAT????


5th January 2005, 09:17 AM
Congratulations mate. You have just become the 6th most important person in the house.