View Full Version : G'Day

30th June 2011, 02:48 PM
Thought it was about time to expose myself. I have been snooping around here for a little while now, pinching ideas and advice so now I'm gonna show you what you made me do!

These first two pics are what was just going to be a couple of bookshelves, you know just to see if I could.

Which then led to an idea that maybe I needed a new t.v. cabinet. Incorporating the design plan that when I lean back in my recliner I dont have to peer between my feet to watch the box. Which led to the monster you see before you. I hope your happy now! ( I certainly am! ) :2tsup:

Oh and of course the completed creation!

30th June 2011, 04:07 PM
G'Day and welcome "EGG", to a top forum;
but I think you already know that!
You did a pretty good job on your "entertainment unit".
Thanks for the WIP photos, they are much appreciated.
Enjoy your woodwork.
Cheers, Crowie

30th June 2011, 10:46 PM
G'Day Crowie. Im preety much just sending this to see if Im working the magic box right. New to replying to threads and posting stuff. If there is a place to learn how, can you point me there. Cheers.

1st July 2011, 09:49 AM
Hi Egg and welcome to the forum.:2tsup:

1st July 2011, 09:53 AM
G'Day "EGG",
I go through the menu on the left, the "All Woodworking" and select the area I'm interested in.
You'll then see at the head of the postings the opertunity to add "new thread" or just reply to an existing thread with a comment.
Sorry to not be more helpful but I'm still working my way around the whole thing and generally just use the "new postings" or "Toy Making" heading in the "All Woodworking".
I'm sure one of the moderators or other forum members will help if you you make an error or need help.
Enjoy your woodwork.
Cheers, crowie

1st July 2011, 01:31 PM
Welcome to the forum. That's good work. Good idea about the need to prevent looking throught feet. Friend that I showed this to also agreeded. :2tsup: