View Full Version : Finishing a pine table top?

19th June 2011, 11:41 AM
Hello all,

I need some advice please. I picked up a second hand pine (I presume) table that is in need of some love. My plan is to paint the table legs and leave the top as a wood finish. I have stripped and sanded the top back to its raw state.
How should I now finish it?
I would like it to look really natural. Can I just oil and wax it? Would that not be protected enough? If I just varnished it, would it be quite pale?
If I used a stain and varnish, what is the best brand to use? Do I just do it with a brush?
I would like it to show it's natural grain as much as possible, and sometimes a varnish can just look like its covering that if you know what I mean.

19th June 2011, 12:27 PM
Just reading some past posts here, would the Livos Kunos countertop oil from Livos be a good choice?

20th June 2011, 04:11 PM
Yes livos is good gear, it wont give as much protection a film type finish but it is easily repairable, being a pine top it will get damaged with everyday wear so the oil could be an advantage.

20th June 2011, 04:27 PM
For table tops I only use Minwax satin wipe-on poly. It is a durable finish. Wipe on 6 to 7 coats with light sanding between each coat. It is pretty much maintenance free.

23rd June 2011, 09:17 PM
Livos would be ideal. You can rejuveante it as you want and it is food safe as well.
Just heard Neil Scobie say once you oil a piece it gets better with time whereas it is the opposite for laquer