15th June 2011, 04:07 PM
Hi folks,
Been a lurkin here for some time now and decided I should say Gday.
Thanks for all the wealth of info everyone posts and friendly atitude everyone has.. I lurk on a few ww forums and this one has the nicest nature imo...
I am interested in woodturning and making stuff with timber. I have a fair bit of rough sawn red gum planks and a few slabs from the same tree.
Current projects are my first set of salt and pepper mills and then a new work bench which will act mainly as a overhead routing mill. Its all been designed pretty much just need to get parts together and fabricate it.
Making the mills from very old hard wood fence posts that had partially rotted but still got enough good wood to work with...hopefully. rough dressed one piece yesterday and seems ok.
so yeah thats it for me. hope I can contribute and continue to learn from all the amazing contributors here :2tsup:
Been a lurkin here for some time now and decided I should say Gday.
Thanks for all the wealth of info everyone posts and friendly atitude everyone has.. I lurk on a few ww forums and this one has the nicest nature imo...
I am interested in woodturning and making stuff with timber. I have a fair bit of rough sawn red gum planks and a few slabs from the same tree.
Current projects are my first set of salt and pepper mills and then a new work bench which will act mainly as a overhead routing mill. Its all been designed pretty much just need to get parts together and fabricate it.
Making the mills from very old hard wood fence posts that had partially rotted but still got enough good wood to work with...hopefully. rough dressed one piece yesterday and seems ok.
so yeah thats it for me. hope I can contribute and continue to learn from all the amazing contributors here :2tsup: