View Full Version : Tung oil problem... Help please!
15th December 2004, 06:46 AM
Hey guys,
Just put the second coat of some generic tung oil varnish on some christmas presents and it refuses to dry up. the first coat dried like a champ in about 12 hours. it's been 3 days since the second coat and still sticky. does this happen because i neglected to spray an anti oxidising agent into the can after the last use? do I have to throw the whole can away(3/4 full)? can I just put on a light coat of blond shellac to cover the stickyness or will I have to sand it down? anxiously awaiting your unlimited expertise. ;)
15th December 2004, 08:26 AM
Ryan, you say "Tung Oil Varnish". Is it a mix or is it pure tung oil. Anyway it sounds like a mix that has separated badly. In either case try wiping down with Turpentine, sanding and starting again but not with the stuff you have unless you are sure its an oil varnish that has separated and can be re-mixed. (I don't think it should separate anyway unless its contaminated or had prolonged air exposure).
There is lots of information in this forum about how members use Tung Oil finish. Most recommend diluting pure tung oil with turps for the first two or three coats. I thin about 30% and this seems to give good penetration and cure times.
Sounds like something is wrong with your tung oil unless you are using very oily timber like Teak.
Good Luck
16th December 2004, 08:29 AM
It's a mix. a tung oil varnish like waterlox, but Hope brand. thanks for the recomendations. I'll toss the bottle, and stick to polymerised 100% pure tung oil from here on out. if anyone else has this problem in the future I ended up rubbing on a thin layer of shellac then sanding with 0000 steel wool and another layer of Shellac. it sealed in the stickyness and came out beautiful. have a good one!
23rd December 2004, 03:30 PM
You mentioned possible difficulties using Tung oil on teak. Is this a definite no-no?
I was about to finish two teak bedside tables with Ace Hardware Tung oil.
What else would others suggest. I also have some Penetrol wood oil. Would that do?
4th January 2005, 12:24 AM
Sorry Dan, I've been away visiting the relo's. I have used Danish Oil on teak with good results but not Tung Oil. The teak I used had been a deck on a ship for about 20 years of saltwater exposure so it was "well" seasoned. I have been advised against using Tung Oil on teak. There used to be a product(s) on the market sold as "Teak Oil" whatever that was. A wipe down with turps and drying may help with oil finish on teak, I guess it depends on the age of the timber. 2 pack poly works well also. Best ask a guru
simon c
4th January 2005, 12:53 PM
Wattyl sell a product called Scandanavian Teak Oil. It is supposed to give a similar effect of Danish Oil.
6th January 2005, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I've just used Penetrol Wood Oil on a couple of teak bedside tables. We'll see how it goes.