View Full Version : Surface wax removal

7th May 2011, 05:04 PM
Hi all,
Can anyone help me?, I am trying to apply mirotone stain to some timber but it seems to not want to take evenly.
It seems as if there is something on the surface repelling it.:(:?
I suspect that I may have wiped the surface with a cloth that has somehow got wax on it.
Could you please give me some suggestions to remove the wax.

tea lady
7th May 2011, 09:26 PM
:think: So its "stain" that you are trying to apply? Could glue have got in teh pores? Or also silicon seems to be a devil to get off. :hmm: You could try whiping down with acetone! :shrug: Or resanding. :C

8th May 2011, 03:40 PM
Thanks for your reply Tea Lady.
I have sanded back the portion of the project that I was having trouble with.
I then wiped it over with methylated spirit and then sprayed the stain.
It seems to be going OK now. :):roll:

tea lady
8th May 2011, 07:57 PM