View Full Version : Gdaymateowzitgoinorrite?

The Disciple
30th April 2011, 06:59 PM

I'm me and that is about the sum of it.

I've been me for all my life, which up until now is about the 32 year mark. I was introduced to the wood world at a very young age. Dad still has his huge garage full of tools... but the amount of floor you can actually see is minimal. Actually, when he has a project he has to set up benches under the carport because there's no room in the shed.

At about age 13 I started visiting 'Uncle Neddy.' As of 2011 he has been teaching kids wood and metal work for 64 years. I am reliably informed that a few pics of his 'students' and their projects adorn the entry of Carbatec Melbourne. My learnings from Ned and acquired life skills and appreciation for the Goon Show qualify me to be one of Neddy's disciples.

I decided early that I appreciated wood so much that I promised that I would never do it for work. I observed that whatever people did for work eventually became a distasteful chore. I love wood, and I want it to stay that way.

Recently for my 6th anniversary present my wife gave me permission to setup to do pen turning. Permission comes at a higher cost than the tooling I can tell ya.

In 2005 I bought a book on pen turning and an acrylic blank. I took them to Germany when I moved there, and brought them back again. I have finally finished it.


pleased to be making your acquaintance.

30th April 2011, 07:43 PM
Welcome aboard mate, nice to have you onside.:2tsup:

30th April 2011, 08:41 PM
Goon show fans are few and far between these days -especially wood working ones,

you can't get the wood you know...

Yesterday , if the hairs on my knees are working correctly, was the 60th anniversary of the first Goon type show. needle nardle noo

Yours indescribably,

Avery T. Deaconarry.

beer is good
30th April 2011, 09:09 PM
I am a Goon Show fan - although it is a while since I heard it on the wireless :)

My favourite was Bluebottle (thinks "I could get hurt by this saw!) but since I had my bowel surgery 5 years ago I have become more like Dennis Bloodknock. :o

Goon fans will know what that means.

"No wonder I don't get invited to parties any more!!!)

30th April 2011, 11:06 PM
I am going to say welcome to the forum. I do have one concern thou,

In 2005 I bought a book on pen turning and an acrylic blank. I took them to Germany when I moved there, and brought them back again. I have finally finished it.

That's 7 years for one pen? I think you might need to participate in the next pen swap. :U

The Disciple
1st May 2011, 01:54 PM
I am going to say welcome to the forum. I do have one concern thou,

That's 7 years for one pen? I think you might need to participate in the next pen swap. :U

6 years 11 months and 2 weeks of that was without a lathe.