View Full Version : Jarrah floorboards/kitchen reno - "L" plater at work!

24th April 2011, 02:44 PM
G'day people! Have taken on my kitchen reno... ripped out the old 'retro' kitchen... pulled up lino to find masonite boards with lots n lots n LOTS of staples holding them down... pulled those up... only to find the classic 70's orange and tan geometric lino, which had of course been glued to jarrah floor boards! Lots of research on how to get the damn glue to dissolve, including this site... House stank of kerosene for a while, but that did seem to be the best... Hours on knees/bum scraping up the lino... more research on drum n edge sanders... got brave enough this easter weekend to hire both... so far so good! (see pics) - Just waiting for wood filler to dry off to do final sand... and wondering if anyone has used Feast Watson Tung Oil for floors... going to have difficulty I know matching the doorways, but have resigned myself to that (can see lounge being sanded in a few months otherwise!!!)

26th April 2011, 06:26 PM
Welcome to the forum. Good to see that some info has come in useful. :2tsup:

27th April 2011, 08:44 AM
Hi missmac sounds like quite a task you had on your hands. If there was suppose to be pics posted in this thread, none are showing up here. Welcome aboard anyway.:2tsup:

27th April 2011, 01:45 PM
Hi Mismac68, Ive had mixed results for Feast Watson Tung Oil, I did a bar top from iron bark, heavy as hell, 3 coats it looked great, and is still waring well. But I used it on the stairs, it soaked in, and soaked in, and soaked in. after about six coats over a course of a few weeks, I wish I'd used something a lot thicker. Thus less coats. The timber was light may have been oak, or what ever bunnings was selling as oak at the time. Point is for your kitchen, which is high traffic, you'd want some thing durable, a surface you can wipe up spill and not soak into the boards. I'd use Danish oil, you'll only need about 3 coats to get the result you need. Opinion's may very but this is my 2 cent worth. Welcome to the forum

28th April 2011, 10:06 AM
Thanks Jason :) I did a patch test with the Tung Oil, and found what you described - the jarrah soaked it up, was very dark - so I have ended up trying the Feast Watson in satin & gloss (for Jarrah) - have ended up going with the gloss - have one coat down, and need to now give it a light sand and do a couple more - there is a difference in colour where the kitchen joins the lounge (which has boards already polished).... am prepared to live with that for time being! Hadn't heard of the Danish oil? Who stocks that?
Thanks again for the comment, had problems loading up photos, am waiting on the forum dude to give me advice!

28th April 2011, 10:16 AM
Forum dude here :hahaha:
Here's the tutorial on how to post pics...have fun.

28th April 2011, 10:31 AM
Hi missmac sounds like quite a task you had on your hands. If there was suppose to be pics posted in this thread, none are showing up here. Welcome aboard anyway.:2tsup:
Hey John, finally got the photos to upload - thanks for letting me know :)

28th April 2011, 10:32 AM
Thanks Jason :) I did a patch test with the Tung Oil, and found what you described - the jarrah soaked it up, was very dark - so I have ended up trying the Feast Watson in satin & gloss (for Jarrah) - have ended up going with the gloss - have one coat down, and need to now give it a light sand and do a couple more - there is a difference in colour where the kitchen joins the lounge (which has boards already polished).... am prepared to live with that for time being! Hadn't heard of the Danish oil? Who stocks that?
Thanks again for the comment, had problems loading up photos, am waiting on the forum dude to give me advice!
..Jason, photos now uploaded :) thanks again for advice, be interested in finding out more about the Danish oil... cheers

28th April 2011, 10:34 AM
Forum dude here :hahaha:
Here's the tutorial on how to post pics...have fun.
Thanks Forum Dude lol! they worked when I did them one by one... patience is a virtue (apparently!)... a virtue my IT guy will tell you I don't always possess!!! thanks :)